BMI Screening Goal (Example: Our clinic will obtain BMI at each visit for patients between 6 and 90 years old.)
Clinic Resources (Example: Scales are located in each exam room to facilitate privacy of data collection. There is also a back-up scale for larger patients located in the procedure room. BMI charts for children and adults are posted on the wall to the right of each scale. In addition, a shortcut to an online BMI calculator has been placed on the desktop of each computer.)
Weight Protocol (Example: Weight will be taken at each visit for children and adults between 6 and 90 years of age. Patients will not be required to remove all clothing prior to obtaining weight due to time constraints.)
Height Protocol (Example: Medical assistants will measure patient height at every visit for children and adolescents between 6 and 18 years old, and annually for adults unless requested by patient. For adult patients, the annual height measurement will be transferred onto the current visit for 1 year or until the next annual measurement is due.)
BMI Calculation Protocol (Example: Medical assistants will calculate BMI using the wall mounted chart or electronic resource for each patient. Values for height and weight will be used according to the described protocol. Medical assistants will record BMI in the patient chart as appropriate for the current visit.)
Protocol for Addressing Overweight/Obesity in Patients (Example: Medical assistants will flag clinicians for patients with a BMI > 25 or BMI >30 by starting a community-based resource referral form. Clinicians will document overweight or obesity as a medical condition on the patient's problem list. Medical assistants and clinicians will address weight status according to the "Weight Protocol".)
Additional Notes: