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Background: This tool can be used to monitor your progress on implementing best practices.
Reference: Developed by Falls Toolkit Research Team.
How to use this tool: The Implementation Team leader (or individual designated by the leader) should complete the checklist.
Use this tool to ensure you have not skipped any essential steps in your fall prevention efforts.
Implementing best practices checklist
Task | Date Completed |
Roles and Responsibilities of Staff Assign specific roles and responsibilities to: |
Members of the Unit Team | |
Unit Champion | |
Organizing the Prevention Work | |
Identify paths of ongoing communication and reporting | |
Develop mechanisms to address accountability | |
Identify strategies for building new practices into daily routine | |
Refine preliminary implementation plan | |
Ensure support from key stakeholders | |
Initiate plan to pilot test new practices | |
Establish strategy for engaging staff | |
Create education plans to help staff learn new practices |