Learning Health System Embedded Scientist Training and Research (LHS E-StaR) Centers
These scientist training and research centers will be funded over 5 years to support learning health systems, including patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research. Through this joint initiative, AHRQ and PCORI continue their mutual commitment to support learning health systems by training a new cadre of learning health system scientists. Grantees will create new models of learning health system infrastructure that will use evidence generated by these scientists' research to optimize care as quickly, broadly, and equitably as possible and ultimately improve health outcomes.
The following 16 centers nationwide have been awarded grants to conduct this work for the first year:
Grant Number | Type of Grant | Center |
HS29755 | P30 | PEDSnet Scholars: A National LHS Embedded Scientist Training and Research Program |
HS29742 | P30 | Michigan Embedded LHS Scientist Training and Research (MEL-STaR) Center |
HS29752 | P30 | Boston Health Equity and Community-Aligned LHS (Boston-HEALHS) |
HS29745 | P30 | Patient-Oriented Research and Training to Accelerate Learning (Penn PORTAL) |
HS29737 | P30 | Washington Learning Health System Embedded Scientist Training and Research Center (WALHS-E-STAR Center) |
HS29762 | P30 | Massachusetts Institute for Equity-Focused Learning Health System Science (MIELHSS) |
HS29764 | P30 | Southwest Safety Net Embedded Scientist Training and Research (SSNE-STaR) Center |
HS29767 | P30 | Realizing Accelerated Progress, Investigation, Implementation, and Dissemination in Learning Health System (RAPID-LHS) Center |
HS29763 | P30 | Columbia-Cornell-Einstein EQUIP+ Center for Learning Health System Science |
HS29771 | P30 | Dartmouth Learning Health System Embedded Scientist Training and Research (E-STaR) Center |
HS29738 | P30 | UCSF Learning Health System Embedded Scientist Training and Research Center |
HS29772 | P30 | Promoting Embedded Research in a Learning Health System |
HS29744 | P30 | Learning Health System Embedded Scientist Training and Research (LHS-E-STaR) of the North (LEaRN) |
HS29756 | P30 | Learning Health System Training to Improve Disability and Chronic Condition Care (LeaHD) |
HS29770 | P30 | University of California San Diego Center for Learning Health System Science |
HS29759 | P30 | Learning Health System Scientist Training and Research in New Jersey (LHS STAR NJ) |