Studies in Meta-analyses
Table 6.4 | Table 6.5 | Table 6.7 | Table 6.8 | Table 6.9 | Table 6.10 | Table 6.11 | Table 6.12 | Table 6.13 | Table 6.14 | Table 6.15 | Table 6.16 | Table 6.17 | Table 6.18 | Table 6.21 | Table 6.22 | Table 6.23 | Table 6.24 | Table 6.26 | Table 6.28 | Table 6.29 | Table 6.30 | Table 6.31 | Table 6.32 | Table 6.33 | Table 6.34 | Table 6.35 | Table 6.36 | Table 6.37 | Table 6.38 | Table 6.39 | Table 7.1 Section 4 | Table 7.1 Section 7 | Table 7.4 | Table 7.5 | Table 7.8
Table 6.4. Meta-analysis (1996): Impact of having a tobacco use status identification system in place on rates of clinician intervention with their patients who smoke (n = 9 studies)
* Cohen SJ, Christen AG, Katz BP, et al. Counseling medical and dental patients about cigarette smoking: the impact of nicotine gum and chart reminders. Am J Public Health 1987;77(3):313-6.
Dietrich AJ, O'Connor GT, Keller A, et al. Cancer: improving early detection and prevention. A community practice randomised trial. Br Med J 1992;304(6835):687-91.
Fiore MC, Jorenby DE, Schensky AE, et al. Smoking status as the new vital sign: effect on assessment and intervention with patients who smoke. Mayo Clin Proc 1995;70(3):209-13.
Hahn DL, Berger MG. Implementation of a systematic health maintenance protocol in a private practice. J Fam Pract 1990;31(5):492-504.
Kottke TE, Solberg LI, Brekke ML, et al. A controlled trial to integrate smoking cessation advice into primary care practice: doctors helping smokers, round III. J Fam Pract 1992;34(6):701-8.
McIlvain HE, Susman JL, Manners MA, et al. Improving smoking cessation counseling by family practice residents. J Fam Pract 1992;34(6):745-9.
Robinson MD, Laurent SL, Little Jr JM. Including smoking status as a new vital sign: it works! J Fam Pract 1995;40(6):556-61.
Strecher VJ, O'Malley MS, Villagra VG, et al. Can residents be trained to counsel patients about quitting smoking? Results from a randomized trial. J Gen Intern Med 1991;6(1):9-17.
*Article contributed two studies to the meta-analysis.
Table 6.5. Meta-analysis (1996): Impact of having a tobacco use status identification system in place on abstinence rates among patients who smoke (n = 3 studies)
* Cohen SJ, Christen AG, Katz BP, et al. Counseling medical and dental patients about cigarette smoking: the impact of nicotine gum and chart reminders. Am J Public Health 1987;77(3):313-6.
Strecher VJ, O'Malley MS, Villagra VG, et al. Can residents be trained to counsel patients about quitting smoking? Results from a randomized trial. J Gen Intern Med 1991;6(1):9-17
*Article contributed two studies to the meta-analysis.
Table 6.7. Meta-analysis (1996): Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for advice to quit by a physician (n = 7 studies)
Demers RY, Neale AV, Adams R, et al. The impact of physicians' brief smoking cessation counseling: a MIRNET study. J Fam Pract 1990;31(6):625-9.
Jamrozik K, Vessey M, Fowler G, et al. Controlled trial of three different antismoking interventions in general practice. Br Med J 1984;288(6429):1499-1503.
Page AR, Walters DJ, Schlegel RP, et al. Smoking cessation in family practice: the effects of advice and nicotine chewing gum prescription. Addict Behav 1986;11(4):443-6.
Russell MA, Wilson C, Taylor C, et al. Effect of general practitioners' advice against smoking. Br Med J 1979;2(6184):231-5.
Russell MAH, Merriman R, Stapleton J, et al. Effect of nicotine chewing gum as an adjunct to general practitioners' advice against smoking. Br Med J 1983;287(6407):1782-5.
Slama K, Redman S, Perkins J, et al. The effectiveness of two smoking cessation programmes for use in general practice: a randomised clinical trial. Br Med J 1990;300(6741):1707-9.
Stewart PJ, Rosser WW. The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family physicians. Can Med Assoc J 1982;126(9):1051-4.
Table 6.8. Meta-analysis (2000): Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for various intensity levels of session length (n = 43 studies)
Barbarin OA. Comparison of symbolic and overt aversion in the self-control of smoking. J Consult Clin Psychol 1978;46(6):1569-71.
British Thoracic Society. Smoking cessation in patients: two further studies by the British Thoracic Society. Thorax 1990;45(11):835-40.
Bronson DL, Flynn BS, Solomon LJ, et al. Smoking cessation counseling during periodic health examinations. Arch Intern Med 1989;149(7):1653-6.
Carlsson R, Lindberg G, Westin L, et al. Influence of coronary nursing management follow up on lifestyle after acute myocardial infarction. Heart 1997;77(3):256-9.
Cottraux JA, Harf R, Boissel JP, et al. Smoking cessation with behaviour therapy or acupuncture—a controlled study. Behav Res Ther 1983;21(4):417-24.
Curry SJ, McBride C, Grothaus LC, et al. A randomized trial of self-help materials, personalized feedback, and telephone counseling with nonvolunteer smokers. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995;63(6):1005-14.
Danaher BG, Jeffery RW, Zimmerman R, et al. Aversive smoking using printed instructions and audiotape adjuncts. Addict Behav 1980;5:353-8.
Davies BL, Matte-Lewis L, O'Connor AM, et al. Evaluation of the "time to quit" self-help smoking cessation program. Can J Public Health 1992;83(1):19-23.
Fagerberg B, Wikstrand J, Berglund G, et al. Mortality rates in treated hypertensive men with additional risk factors are high but can be reduced: a randomized intervention study. Am J Hypertens 1998;11(1 Pt 1):14-22.
Fortmann SP, Killen JD, Telch MJ, et al. Minimal contact treatment for smoking cessation. A placebo controlled trial of nicotine polacrilex and self-directed relapse prevention: initial results of the Stanford stop smoking project. JAMA 1988;260(11):1575-80.
Gillams J, Lewith GT, Machin D. Acupuncture and group therapy in stopping smoking. Practitioner 1984;228(1389):341-4.
Glasgow RE, Schafer L, O'Neill HK. Self-help books and amount of therapist contact in smoking cessation programs. J Consult Clin Psychol 1981;49(5):659-67.
Hilleman DE, Mohiuddin SM, Delcore MG, et al. Randomized, controlled trial of transdermal clonidine for smoking cessation. Ann Pharmacother 1993;27(9):1025-8.
Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Vogt TM, et al. Nurse-assisted counseling for smokers in primary care. Ann Intern Med 1993;118(7):521-5.
Huber D. Combined and separate treatment effects of nicotine chewing gum and self-control method. Pharmacopsychiatry 1988;21:461-2.
Hughes GH, Hymowitz N, Ockene JK, et al. The multiple risk factor intervention trial (MRFIT). V. Intervention on smoking. Prev Med 1981;10(4):476-500.
Hyman GJ, Stanley RO, Burrows GD, et al. Treatment effectiveness of hypnosis and behaviour therapy in smoking cessation: a methodological refinement. Addict Behav 1986;11(4):355-65.
Jorenby DE, Smith SS, Fiore MC, et al. Varying nicotine patch dose and type of smoking cessation counseling. JAMA 1995;274(17):1347-52.
Killen JD, Fortmann SP, Newman B, et al. Evaluation of a treatment approach combining nicotine gum with self-guided behavioral treatments for smoking relapse prevention. J Consult Clin Psychol 1990;58(1):85-92.
Lambe R, Osier C, Franks P. A randomized controlled trial of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. J Fam Pract 1986;22(1):61-5.
Lewis SF, Piasecki TM, Fiore MC, et al. Transdermal nicotine replacement for hospitalized patients: a randomized clinical trial. Prev Med 1998;27(2):296-303.
Ockene JK, Kristeller J, Goldberg R, et al. Increasing the efficacy of physician-delivered smoking interventions: a randomized clinical trial. J Gen Intern Med 1991;6(1):1-8.
Ockene JK, Kristeller JL, Goldberg R, et al. Smoking cessation and severity of disease: the coronary artery smoking intervention study. Health Psychol 1992;11(2):119-26.
Ossip-Klein DJ, Carosella AM, Krusch DA. Self-help interventions for older smokers. Tob Control 1997;6(3):188-93.
Patel C, Marmot MG, Terry DJ, et al. Trial of relaxation in reducing coronary risk: four year follow up. Br Med J 1985;290(6475):1103-6.
Pederson LL, Scrimgeour WG, Lefcoe NM. Comparison of hypnosis plus counseling, counseling alone, and hypnosis alone in a community service smoking withdrawal program. J Consult Clin Psychol 1975;43(6):920.
Pederson LL, Wanklin JM, Lefcoe NM. The effects of counseling on smoking cessation among patients hospitalized with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized clinical trial. Int J Addict 1991;26(1):107-19.
Prue DM, Davis CJ, Martin JE, et al. An investigation of a minimal contact brand fading program for smoking treatment. Addict Behav 1983;8(3):307-10.
Rabkin SW, Boyko E, Shane F, et al. A randomized trial comparing smoking cessation programs utilizing behaviour modification, health education or hypnosis. Addict Behav 1984;9:157-73.
Reid DD, Brett GZ, Hamilton PJ, et al. Cardiorespiratory disease and diabetes among middle-aged male civil servants. A study of screening and intervention. Lancet 1974;1(7856):469-73.
Rigotti NA, Arnsten JH, McKool KM, et al. Efficacy of a smoking cessation program for hospital patients. Arch Intern Med 1997;157(22):2653-60.
Sivarajan ES, Newton KM, Almes MJ, et al. Limited effects of outpatient teaching and counseling after myocardial infarction: a controlled study. Heart Lung 1983;12(1):65-73.
Slama K, Redman S, Perkins J, et al. The effectiveness of two smoking cessation programmes for use in general practice: a randomised clinical trial. Br Med J 1990;300(6741):1707-9.
Stevens VJ, Severson H, Lichtenstein E, et al. Making the most of a teachable moment: a smokeless tobacco cessation intervention in the dental office. Am J Public Health 1995;85(2):231-5.
Stewart PJ, Rosser WW. The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family physicians. Can Med Assoc J 1982;126(9):1051-4.
Taylor CB, Houston-Miller N, Killen JD, et al. Smoking cessation after acute myocardial infarction: effects of a nurse-managed intervention. Ann Intern Med 1990;113(2):118-23.
Tonnesen P, Mikkelsen K, Markholst C, et al. Nurse-conducted smoking cessation with minimal intervention in a lung clinic: a randomized controlled study. Eur Respir J 1996;9(11):2351-5.
Vetter NJ, Ford D. Smoking prevention among people aged 60 and over: a randomized controlled trial. Age Ageing 1990;19(3):164-8.
Weissfeld JL, Holloway JL. Treatment for cigarette smoking in a Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic. Arch Intern Med 1991;151(5):973-7.
Williams JM, Hall DW. Use of single session hypnosis for smoking cessation. Addict Behav 1988;13(2):205-8.
Wilson D, Wood G, Johnston N, et al. Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for cigarette smokers in a family practice. Can Med Assoc J 1982;126(2):127-9.
Windsor RA, Lowe JB, Bartlett EE. The effectiveness of a worksite self-help smoking cessation program: a randomized trial. J Behav Med 1988;11(4):407-21.
Zhu SH, Stretch V, Balabanis M, et al. Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996;64(1):202-11.
Table 6.9. Meta-analysis (2000): Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for total amount of contact time (n = 35 studies)
Barbarin OA. Comparison of symbolic and overt aversion in the self-control of smoking. J Consult Clin Psychol 1978;46:1569-71.
British Thoracic Society. Smoking cessation in patients: two further studies by the British Thoracic Society. Thorax 1990;45(11):835-40.
Bronson DL, Flynn BS, Solomon LJ, et al. Smoking cessation counseling during periodic health examinations. Arch Intern Med 1989;149:1653-6.
Burling TA, Marotta J, Gonzalez R, et al. Computerized smoking cessation program for the worksite: treatment outcome and feasibility. J Consult Clin Psychol 1989;57:619-22.
Cottraux JA, Harf R, Boissel JP, et al. Smoking cessation with behaviour therapy or acupuncture—A controlled study. Behav Res Ther 1983;21:417-24.
Danaher BG, Jeffery RW, Zimmerman R, et al. Aversive smoking using printed instructions and audiotape adjuncts. Addict Behav 1980;5:353-8.
Fagerberg B, Wikstrand J, Berglund G, et al. Mortality rates in treated hypertensive men with additional risk factors are high but can be reduced: a randomized intervention study. Am J Hypertens 1998;11:14-22.
Fortmann SP, Killen JD, Telch MJ, et al. Minimal contact treatment for smoking cessation. A placebo controlled trial of nicotine polacrilex and self-directed relapse prevention: initial results of the Stanford stop smoking project. JAMA 1988;260:1575-80.
Gillams J, Lewith GT, Machin D. Acupuncture and group therapy in stopping smoking. Practitioner 1984;228:341-4.
Hall SM, Tunstall CD, Ginsberg D, et al. Nicotine gum and behavioral treatment: a placebo controlled trial. J Consult Clin Psychol 1987;55:603-5.
Hilleman DE, Mohiuddin SM, Delcore MG, et al. Randomized, controlled trial of transdermal clonidine for smoking cessation. Ann Pharmacother 1993;27:1025-8.
Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Vogt TM, et al. Nurse-assisted counseling for smokers in primary care. Ann Intern Med 1993;118:521-5.
Hyman GJ, Stanley RO, Burrows GD, et al. Treatment effectiveness of hypnosis and behaviour therapy in smoking cessation: a methodological refinement. Addict Behav 1986;11:355-65.
Jorenby DE, Smith SS, Fiore MC, et al. Varying nicotine patch dose and type of smoking cessation counseling. JAMA 1995;274:1347-52.
Killen JD, Fortmann SP, Newman B, et al. Evaluation of a treatment approach combining nicotine gum with self-guided behavioral treatments for smoking relapse prevention. J Consult Clin Psychol 1990;58:85-92.
Lambe R, Osier C, Franks P. A randomized controlled trial of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. J Fam Pract 1986;22:61-5.
Lando HA. Effects on preparation, experimenter contact, and a maintained reduction alternative on a broad-spectrum program for eliminating smoking. Addict Behav 1981;6:123-33.
Lando HA. Successful treatment of smokers with a broad-spectrum behavioral approach. J Consult Clin Psychol 1977;45:361-6.
Lando HA, Rolnick S, Klevan D, et al. Telephone support as an adjunct to transdermal nicotine in smoking cessation. Am J Public Health 1997;87:1670-4.
Lewis SF, Piasecki TM, Fiore MC, et al. Transdermal nicotine replacement for hospitalized patients: a randomized clinical trial. Prev Med 1998;27:296-303.
Lifrak P, Gariti P, Alterman AI, et al. Results of two levels of adjunctive treatment used with the nicotine patch. Am J Addict 1997;6:93-8.
Ockene J, Kristeller JL, Goldberg R, et al. Smoking cessation and severity of disease: the coronary artery smoking intervention study. Health Psychol 1992;11:119-26.
Ockene JK, Kristeller J, Goldberg R, et al. Increasing the efficacy of physician-delivered smoking interventions: a randomized clinical trial. J Gen Intern Med 1991;6:1-8.
Patel C, Marmot MG, Terry DJ, et al. Trial of relaxation in reducing coronary risk: four year follow up. Br Med J 1985;290:1103-6.
Pederson LL, Wanklin JM, Lefcoe NM. The effects of counseling on smoking cessation among patients hospitalized with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized clinical trial. Int J Addict 1991;26:107-19.
Rabkin SW, Boyko E, Shane F, et al. A randomized trial comparing smoking cessation programs utilizing behaviour modification, health education or hypnosis. Addict Behav 1984;9:157-73.
Reid DD, Brett GZ, Hamilton PJ, et al. Cardiorespiratory disease and diabetes among middle-aged male civil servants. A study of screening and intervention. Lancet 1974;1(7856):469-73.
Slama K, Redman S, Perkins J, et al. The effectiveness of two smoking cessation programmes for use in general practice: a randomised clinical trial. Br Med J 1990;300(6741):1707-9.
Stevens VJ, Severson H, Lichtenstein E, et al. Making the most of a teachable moment: a smokeless-tobacco cessation intervention in the dental office. Am J Public Health 1995;85:231-5.
Stewart PJ, Rosser WW. The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family physicians. Can Med Assoc J 1982;126:1051-4.
Tonnesen P, Mikkelsen K, Markholst C, et al. Nurse-conducted smoking cessation with minimal intervention in a lung clinic: a randomized controlled study. Eur Respir J 1996;9:2351-5.
Weissfeld JL, Holloway JL. Treatment for cigarette smoking in a Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic. Arch Intern Med 1991;151(5):973-7.
Williams JM, Hall DW. Use of single session hypnosis for smoking cessation. Addict Behav 1988;13:205-8.
Windsor RA, Lowe JB, Bartlett EE. The effectiveness of a worksite self-help smoking cessation program: a randomized trial. J Behav Med 1988;11:407-21.
Zhu SH, Stretch V, Balabanis M, et al. Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996;64:202-11.
Table 6.10. Meta-analysis (2000): Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for number of person-to-person treatment sessions (n = 46 studies)
Barbarin OA. Comparison of symbolic and overt aversion in the self-control of smoking. J Consult Clin Psychol 1978;46(6):1569-71.
Brandon TH, Zelman DC, Baker TB. Effects of maintenance sessions on smoking relapse: delaying the inevitable? J Consult Clin Psychol 1987;55(5):780-2.
* British Thoracic Society. Smoking cessation in patients: two further studies by the British Thoracic Society. Thorax 1990;45(11):835-40.
Bronson DL, Flynn BS, Solomon LJ, et al. Smoking cessation counseling during periodic health examinations. Arch Intern Med 1989;149(7):1653-6.
Clavel F, Benhamou S, Company-Huertas A. Helping people to stop smoking: randomized comparison of groups being treated with acupuncture and nicotine gum with control group. Br Med J 1985;291(6508):1538-9.
Cottraux JA, Harf R, Boissel JP, et al. Smoking cessation with behaviour therapy or acupuncture—A controlled study. Behav Res Ther 1983;21(4):417-24.
Curry SJ, McBride C, Grothaus LC, et al. A randomized trial of self-help materials, personalized feedback, and telephone counseling with nonvolunteer smokers. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995;63(6):1005-14.
Danaher BG, Jeffery RW, Zimmerman R, et al. Aversive smoking using printed instructions and audiotape adjuncts. Addict Behav 1980;5:353-8.
DeBusk RF, Miller NH, Superko HR, et al. A case-management system for coronary risk factor modification after acute myocardial infarction. Ann Intern Med 1994;120(9):721-9.
Fagerberg B, Wikstrand J, Berglund G, et al. Mortality rates in treated hypertensive men with additional risk factors are high but can be reduced: a randomized intervention study. Am J Hypertens 1998;11(1 Pt 1):14-22.
Gilbert JR, Wilson DM, Singer J, et al. A family physician smoking cessation program: an evaluation of the role of follow-up visits. Am J Prev Med 1992;8(2):91-5.
Gillams J, Lewith GT, Machin D. Acupuncture and group therapy in stopping smoking. Practitioner 1984;228(1389):341-4.
Glasgow RE, Schafer L, O'Neill HK. Self-help books and amount of therapist contact in smoking cessation programs. J Consult Clin Psychol 1981;49(5):659-67.
Hall SM, Munoz RF, Reus VI. Cognitive-behavioral intervention increases abstinence rates for depressive-history smokers. J Consult Clin Psychol 1994;62(1):141-6.
Hall SM, Reus VI, Munoz RF, et al. Nortriptyline and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of cigarette smoking. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1998;55(8):683-90.
Hall SM, Tunstall CD, Ginsberg D, et al. Nicotine gum and behavioral treatment: a placebo controlled trial. J Consult Clin Psychol 1987;55(4):603-5.
Hall SM, Tunstall CD, Vila KL, et al. Weight gain prevention and smoking cessation: cautionary findings. Am J Public Health 1992;82(6):799-803.
Hilleman DE, Mohiuddin SM, Delcore MG, et al. Randomized, controlled trial of transdermal clonidine for smoking cessation. Ann Pharmacother 1993;27(9):1025-8.
Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Vogt TM, et al. Nurse-assisted counseling for smokers in primary care. Ann Intern Med 1993;118(7):521-5.
Huber D. Combined and separate treatment effects of nicotine chewing gum and self-control method. Pharmacopsychiatry 1988;21:461-2.
Hughes GH, Hymowitz N, Ockene JK, et al. The multiple risk factor intervention trial (MRFIT). V. Intervention on smoking. Prev Med 1981;10(4):476-500.
Hyman GJ, Stanley RO, Burrows GD, et al. Treatment effectiveness of hypnosis and behaviour therapy in smoking cessation: a methodological refinement. Addict Behav 1986;11(4):355-65.
Jorenby DE, Smith SS, Fiore MC, et al. Varying nicotine patch dose and type of smoking cessation counseling. JAMA 1995;274(17):1347-52.
Lambe R, Osier C, Franks P. A randomized controlled trial of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. J Fam Pract 1986;22(1):61-5.
Lando HA. Effects on preparation, experimenter contact, and a maintained reduction alternative on a broad-spectrum program for eliminating smoking. Addict Behav 1981;6(2):123-33.
Lando HA. Successful treatment of smokers with a broad-spectrum behavioral approach. J Consult Clin Psychol 1977;45(3):361-6.
Lando HA, Rolnick S, Klevan D, et al. Telephone support as an adjunct to transdermal nicotine in smoking cessation. Am J Public Health 1997;87(10):1670-74.
Lewis SF, Piasecki TM, Fiore MC, et al. Transdermal nicotine replacement for hospitalized patients: a randomized clinical trial. Prev Med 1998;27(2):296-303.
Lifrak P, Gariti P, Alterman AI, et al. Results of two levels of adjunctive treatment used with the nicotine patch. Am J Addict 1997;6(2):93-8.
Ockene JK, Kristeller J, Goldberg R, et al. Increasing the efficacy of physician-delivered smoking interventions: a randomized clinical trial. J Gen Intern Med 1991;6(1):1-8.
Ossip-Klein DJ, Carosella AM, Krusch DA. Self-help interventions for older smokers. Tob Control 1997;6(3):188-93.
Patel C, Marmot MG, Terry DJ, et al. Trial of relaxation in reducing coronary risk: four year follow up. Br Med J 1985;290(6475):1103-6.
Pederson LL, Scrimgeour WG, Lefcoe NM. Comparison of hypnosis plus counseling, counseling alone, and hypnosis alone in a community service smoking withdrawal program. J Consult Clin Psychol 1975;43(6):920.
Pederson LL, Wanklin JM, Lefcoe NM. The effects of counseling on smoking cessation among patients hospitalized with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized clinical trial. Int J Addict 1991;26(1):107-19.
Poole AD, Sanson-Fisher RW, German GA. The rapid-smoking technique: therapeutic effectiveness. Behav Res Ther 1981;19(5):389-97.
Rabkin SW, Boyko E, Shane F, et al. A randomized trial comparing smoking cessation programs utilizing behaviour modification, health education or hypnosis. Addict Behav 1984;9:157-73.
Rand CS, Stitzer ML, Bigelow GE, et al. The effects of contingent payment and frequent workplace monitoring on smoking abstinence. Addict Behav 1989;14(2):121-8.
Reid DD, Brett GZ, Hamilton PJ, et al. Cardiorespiratory disease and diabetes among middle-aged male civil servants. A study of screening and intervention. Lancet 1974;1(7856):469-73.
Rigotti NA, Arnsten JH, McKool KM, et al. Efficacy of a smoking cessation program for hospital patients. Arch Intern Med 1997;157(22):2653-60.
Segnan N, Ponti A, Battista RN, et al. A randomized trial of smoking cessation interventions in general practice in Italy. Cancer Causes Control 1991;2(4):239-46.
* Sivarajan ES, Newton KM, Almes MJ, et al. Limited effects of outpatient teaching and counseling after myocardial infarction: a controlled study. Heart Lung 1983;12(1):65-73.
Stevens VJ, Severson H, Lichtenstein E, et al. Making the most of a teachable moment: a smokeless-tobacco cessation intervention in the dental office. Am J Public Health 1995;85(2):231-5.
Taylor CB, Houston-Miller N, Killen JD, et al. Smoking cessation after acute myocardial infarction: effects of a nurse-managed intervention. Ann Intern Med 1990;113(2):118-23.
Wilson D, Wood G, Johnston N, et al. Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for cigarette smokers in a family practice. Can Med Assoc J 1982;126(2):127-9.
Zhu SH, Stretch V, Balabanis M, et al. Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: effects of single-session and multiple-session interventions. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996;64(1):202-11.
*Article contributed two studies to the meta-analysis.
Table 6.11. Meta-analysis (2000): Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for interventions delivered by different types of clinicians (n = 29 studies)
Brandon TH, Zelman DC, Baker TB. Effects of maintenance sessions on smoking relapse: delaying the inevitable? J Consult Clin Psychol 1987;55(5):780-2.
British Thoracic Society. Comparison of four methods of smoking withdrawal in patients with smoking related diseases. Br Med J 1983;286(6365):595-7.
Carlsson R, Lindberg G, Westin L, et al. Influence of coronary nursing management follow up on lifestyle after acute myocardial infarction. Heart 1997;77(3):256-9.
Cottraux JA, Harf R, Boissel JP, et al. Smoking cessation with behaviour therapy or acupuncture: a controlled study. Behav Res Ther 1983;21(4):417-24.
Curry SJ, McBride C, Grothaus LC, et al. A randomized trial of self-help materials, personalized feedback, and telephone counseling with nonvolunteer smokers. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995;63(6):1005-14.
Danaher BG, Jeffery RW, Zimmerman R, et al. Aversive smoking using printed instructions and audiotape adjuncts. Addict Behav 1980;5:353-8.
Davies BL, Matte-Lewis L, O'Connor AM, et al. Evaluation of the "time to quit" self-help smoking cessation program. Can J Public Health 1992;83(1):19-23.
Fortmann SP, Killen JD, Telch MJ, et al. Minimal contact treatment for smoking cessation. A placebo controlled trial of nicotine polacrilex and self-directed relapse prevention: initial results of the Stanford stop smoking project. JAMA 1988;260(11):1575-80.
Glasgow RE, Schafer L, O'Neill HK. Self-help books and amount of therapist contact in smoking cessation programs. J Consult Clin Psychol 1981;49(5):659-67.
Gritz ER, Berman BA, Bastani R, et al. A randomized trial of a self-help smoking cessation intervention in a nonvolunteer female population: testing the limits of the public health model. Health Psychol 1992;11(5):280-9.
Humerfelt S, Eide GE, Kvale G, et al. Effectiveness of postal smoking cessation advice: a randomized controlled trial in young men with reduced FEV1 and asbestos exposure. Eur Respir J 1998;11(2):284-90.
Hyman GJ, Stanley RO, Burrows GD, et al. Treatment effectiveness of hypnosis and behaviour therapy in smoking cessation: a methodological refinement. Addict Behav 1986;11(4):355-65.
Killen JD, Fortmann SP, Newman B, et al. Evaluation of a treatment approach combining nicotine gum with self-guided behavioral treatments for smoking relapse prevention. J Consult Clin Psychol 1990;58(1):85-92.
Lando HA. Effects on preparation, experimenter contact, and a maintained reduction alternative on a broad-spectrum program for eliminating smoking. Addict Behav 1981;6(2):123-33.
Lando HA, McGovern PG. Nicotine fading as a nonaversive alternative in a broad-spectrum treatment for eliminating smoking. Addict Behav 1985;10(2):153-61.
Lando HA, Pirie PL, McGovern PG, et al. A comparison of self-help approaches to smoking cessation. Addict Behav 1991;16(5):183-93.
Martin JE, Calfas KJ, Patten CA, et al. Prospective evaluation of three smoking interventions in 205 recovering alcoholics: one-year results of project SCRAP-tobacco. J Consult Clin Psychol 1997;65(1):190-4.
Ossip-Klein DJ, Carosella AM, Krusch DA. Self-help interventions for older smokers. Tob Control 1997;6(3):188-93.
Prue DM, Davis CJ, Martin JE, et al. An investigation of a minimal contact brand fading program for smoking treatment. Addict Behav 1983;8(3):307-10.
Rabkin SW, Boyko E, Shane F, et al. A randomized trial comparing smoking cessation programs utilizing behaviour modification, health education or hypnosis. Addict Behav 1984;9:157-73.
Reid DD, Brett GZ, Hamilton PJ, et al. Cardiorespiratory disease and diabetes among middle-aged male civil servants. A study of screening and intervention. Lancet 1974;1(7856):469-73.
Slama K, Redman S, Perkins J, et al. The effectiveness of two smoking cessation programmes for use in general practice: a randomised clinical trial. Br Med J 1990;300(6741):1707-9.
Stevens VJ, Severson H, Lichtenstein E, et al. Making the most of a teachable moment: a smokeless tobacco cessation intervention in the dental office. Am J Public Health 1995;85(2):231-5.
Stewart PJ, Rosser WW. The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family physicians. Can Med Assoc J 1982;126(9):1051-4.
Thompson B, Kinne S, Lewis FM, et al. Randomized telephone smoking-intervention trial initially directed at blue-collar workers. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1993;(14):105-12.
Tonnesen P, Mikkelsen K, Markholst C, et al. Nurse-conducted smoking cessation with minimal intervention in a lung clinic: a randomized controlled study. Eur Respir J 1996;9(11):2351-5.
Weissfeld JL, Holloway JL. Treatment for cigarette smoking in a Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic. Arch Intern Med 1991;151(5):973-7.
Williams JM, Hall DW. Use of single session hypnosis for smoking cessation. Addict Behav 1988;13(2):205-8.
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