As part of a previous task order for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), we developed a site selection matrix for use in the selection of Alternative Care Sites (a.k.a. Alternate Care Facilities, ACF) for use in providing health care during mass casualty events and disasters.1 We have been asked to revise this tool based on the experience gained during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and as the result of other planning. We have also been asked to develop protocols for staffing and supplying an ACF, again with input from those who have participated in their use or have done extensive planning for their use.
You have been identified as an individual who can make a significant contribution to this area of knowledge. Therefore, we kindly ask if you, with input from those you work with (or worked with at your ACF), would be willing to spend a few minutes to assist us with this task. We have developed a questionnaire to facilitate this process (attached). It has two parts; the first asks for information about your actual or planned ACF. The second component asks for your thoughts concerning the usefulness of the different categories of information used in the facility selection tool and for any suggested additions or deletions. Because of the sensitive nature of some of these data, information supplied will be treated confidentially and will not be identified as to any source.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this project, which we feel has the potential to help all of us in providing the best possible care for patients during mass casualty events and disasters when we may need to use non-traditional sites of care. The summary results of this effort will be submitted to AHRQ and will subsequently be released to the medical community.
Please feel free to call or email me if I can be of any help with your participation in this project, or if you feel you are unable to assist us with this project.
Most sincerely,
Stephen V. Cantrill, MD
Denver Health & Hospital Authority
777 Bannock St.
Mail Code 8800
Denver, CO 80204-4507
For the Disaster Alternate Care Facility Task Order Group:
Stephen V. Cantrill, MD
Peter T. Pons, MD
Carl J. Bonnett, MD
Sheri L. Eisert, PhD
Susan L. Moore, Project Manager
AHRQ Contract No. HHSA290200600020, Task Order No. 4
Title: Disaster Alternate Care Facilities
1 Rocky Mountain Regional Care Model for Bioterrorist Events: Locate Alternate Care Sites During an Emergency. December 2004. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
Part One. Information about your past or planned Alternate Care Facility
I. Initial Data.
Please check all that apply to your Alternate Care Facility (ACF), whether actually used or planned:
These responses are based upon:
___ A planned ACF (if so, please consider all questions to be in the future tense)
___ An actual ACF
If an actual ACF, please supply:
Location/Name: _______________________
Dates of operation: _____________________
Total number of patients cared for: _____________________
Total number of staff utilized: ________________________
Structure utilized:
___ Structure of opportunity (a pre-existing building that is, in lieu of its primary purpose, used as a medical facility)
If so, please specify the structure used (e.g. hotel, retail store, etc):
___ Portable (a structure, such as a tent, that can be transported to a location for use as a medical facility)
___ Mobile (a wheeled structure, such as a trailer, that can be moved or driven to a location for use as a medical facility)Function:
Inpatient Level Care:
Health Care Augmentation (augmentation of existing in-patient health care delivery systems, either on site at the traditional health care delivery location or at a more distant site)
___ Adult
___ Pediatric
___ Special Populations (e.g. prisoners)
Please specify: ____________________________________________
___ Special Medical Needs Populations (e.g. hemodialysis, chronic ventilator)
Please specify:_______________________
Health Care Replacement (replacement of existing in-patient health care systems that have been directly affected by the incident)
___ Adult
___ Pediatric
___ Special Populations (e.g. prisoners)
Please specify: _____________________________________________
___ Special Medical Needs Populations (e.g. hemodialysis, chronic ventilator)
Please specify:_____________________________________________
Ambulatory/Primary Care:
Health Care Augmentation (augmentation of existing out-patient health care delivery systems, either on site at the traditional health care delivery location or at a more distant site)
___ Adult
___ Pediatric
___ Public Health Support (vaccinations, prophylaxis, triage)Health Care Replacement (replacement of existing in-patient health care systems that have been directly affected by the incident)
____ Adult
___ Pediatric
___ Special Populations (e.g. prisoners)
Please specify: _____________________________________________
___ Special Medical Needs Populations (e.g. hemodialysis, chronic ventilator)
Please specify: _____________________________________________
___ Shelter Support (routine ambulatory medical support necessary for shelter operations for a displaced population)
Governance: (the organization responsible for the oversight, command, and operation of the ACF)
___ Institutional/Health care system (Hospital or hospital system based)
___ Nonprofit/Volunteer/Faith-Based (e.g. Red Cross, Salvation Army)
___ Local (Local government/Municipal/County)
___ Office of Emergency Management
___ Public Health
___ Other: Please specify: _________________________________________
___ State
___ Federal
___ DHHS
___ PHS (FMS)
___ Other: Please specify: _______________________
___ Department of Defense
II. ACF Command Structure
A. General
1. Did you set up an incident command system at your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No
1a. If so, what was it modeled on (e.g. HICS)? ___________________________2. Was an Incident Action Plan (IAP) prepared?
___ Yes ___ No
2a. If yes, was it done:
___ Once ___ Daily ___ Other frequency: _____________________________
2b. Was the IAP a:
___ Previously prepared form ___ A form we created3. Were there any problems with the command structure?
___ Yes ___ No
3a. If yes, please elaborate: _________________________________________
________________________________________________________________4. How was the transfer of command facilitated at change of shift:
___ Verbal report ___ Written report
___ Both ___ Other (Please specify): ___________________________5. How did you decide to open your ACF: _________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________6. Who made the decision (by job title, not name): __________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________7. How did you decide to close it:_________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________8. What, if any, were the predetermined requirements to be met before closing it: ____________
_________________________________________________________________________9. Did you have a concept of operations (or operational plan) which you adhered to?
___ Yes ___ No10. Did your command staff have National Incident Management System and/or Hospital Incident Command System Training?
___ Yes ___ No
10a. If yes, what percentage of the staff were trained:____________%11. Did you have any issues related to the Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) during the operation of your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No
11a. If so, what were the issues and how did you handle them: ________________________
_________________________________________________________________________12. Were there any issues related to public information management?
___ Yes ___ No
12a. If so, please specify: _____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________13. How did you coordinate the dispatch of EMS resources to the ACF with the everyday dispatch operations of the local community: ________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________14. Did you have rules of behavior for the patients (e.g. curfew, no weapons, lights out time)?
__ Yes ___ No
14a. If yes, please list or include with the returned questionnaire: _______________________
_________________________________________________________________________15. Are there any other issues with regards to the command of an ACF which you would like to share?
B. Security
1. Did you have uniformed security personnel at your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No2. If so, were any of them armed?
___ Yes ___ No3. Did you have any issues with violence at your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No4. Are there any other issues related to the security of an ACF that you believe are important and wish to share? ____________________________________________________________________________
III. ACF Planning Component
A. General
1. Did you have a plan for an ACF before you were called upon to stand one up?
___ Yes ___ No2. Did you select the site for your ACF after the need for it arose or had the site been determined in advance of the event?
___ When need arose ___ Determined in advance3. Were you familiar with the Rocky Mountain Regional Care Model for Bioterrorist Events Alternative Care Site Selection Tool prior to setting up your ACF (go to Appendix A)?
___ Yes ___ No
3a. If yes, did you use this tool to help select the site of your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No
3b. If not, do you think it would have been helpful?
___ Yes ___ No4. What consideration, if any, was given to locating the ACF in proximity to the transportation network and/or evacuation routes?
___________________________________________________________________________5. Any other issues with regards to site selection which you would like to share: ______________
___________________________________________________________________________6. Did you have plans for the following services?
___ Social services
___ Cleaning services
___ Recreational services
___ Warehousing services
___ Contracting/purchasing services
___ Other services:
Please specify: ____________________________________________________________7. Are there any other issues with regards to additional services which you would like to share:
B. Bed/Case Mix
1. What percentage of each of the following did you expect/plan for at your ACF?
___ Acute care cases: _____% Chronic care cases: _____%
___ Pediatric patients: _____% Adult patients: _____ %
___ No specific expectations
2. What percentage of each of the following did you actually receive at your ACF?
___ Acute care cases: _____% Chronic care cases: _____%
___ Pediatric patients:_____ % Adult patients: _____%
___ No specific expectations3. Have you changed your bed/case mix plans for future ACFs as a result?
___ Yes ___ No
3a. If so, please specify: _________________________________________
C. Pediatrics
1. Was the care of children an integral part of your initial plan?
___ Yes ___ No2. Was there a specific location within your ACF set aside for the care of children?
___ Yes ___ No3. Which of the following types of individuals were involved in the planning for the care of children (please check all that apply)?
___ Emergency nurses?
___ Emergency physicians?
___ Midlevel practitioners (e.g. nurse practitioners, physician assistants)?
___ Pediatric emergency physicians?
___ Pediatric nurses?
___ Other?
Please specify: _________________________________________________________4. Were any of the following consulted to help plan for pediatric patients (please check all that apply)?
___ Pediatric tertiary care center?
___ Pediatrics department at your local hospital?
___ Other?
Please specify: _______________________________________________________
IV. ACF Logistics
A. General
1.Who provided the equipment to stand up your ACF? _________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________2. Who provided you with re-supply? ______________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________3. Did you tap into any federally administered medical supply caches?
____ Yes ____ No
3a. If so, please specify which one(s): ___________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________4. Did you have any partnerships with private industry to help provide service or supplies at your ACF (e.g. commercial pharmacies)?
____ Yes ____ No5. How did you feed the health care workers and patients at your ACF? ____________________
_________________________________________________________________________6. Did you also provide food for the families of patients?
____ Yes ____ No7. Was the dining area separate from the treatment area?
____ Yes ____ No8. Did you have medications for children?
____ Yes ____ No
8a. If so, did you have appropriate type and quantity of medications for pediatric patients?
____ Yes ____No
8b. Who supplied them? _____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________9. Did you have other medical supplies for children?
____ Yes ____ No
9a. If yes, did you have adequate quantity?
____ Yes ____ No
9b. Who supplied them? ______________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________10. What supplies, equipment, and drugs were most important to the operation of your ACF?
_________________________________________________________________________11. What supplies/equipment/drugs that you needed could not be obtained? _______________
_________________________________________________________________________12. Are there any other issues with regards to general logistics that you would like to share:
B. Staffing & Credentialing
1. Did you have set shifts which were worked by health care providers?
____ Yes ____ No
1a. If yes, were they:
____ 8 hour ____ 12 hour ____ Other: _____________________________2. Did you have different staffing patterns for day vs. night?
____ Yes ____ No3. How many physicians did you have working at one time? _____________________________
_________________________________________________________________________4. How many midlevel practitioners did you have working at one time?____________________
_________________________________________________________________________5. How many nurses did you have working at one time?________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________6. How many emergency medical technicians did you have working at one time?_____________
__________________________________________________________________________7. How many pharmacists did you have working at one time? ____________________________
__________________________________________________________________________8. Did you have dedicated clerks and/or administrative support?
____ Yes ____ No
8a. If so, how many did you utilize? ________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________9. Did you have health care providers from different health care facilities/systems working in your ACF?
____ Yes ____ No
9a. If so, were there any command and control issues and how did you resolve them? ________
___________________________________________________________________________10. Were there any out-of-state licensing issues?
____ Yes ____ No11. Did you have a need for interpreter services?
____ Yes ____ No
11a. If so, how did you meet that need?
____Trained interpreters
____Bilingual/multilingual care providers
____Family members
Please specify:________________________________________________________________12. What types of volunteers were utilized?
____ None ____ Medical ____ Non-medical
12a. Did you have a volunteer coordinator?
____ Yes ____ No13. What lessons did you learn with regards to integrating non-health care provider volunteers into the operation of the ACF? ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________14. How did you verify the credentials of health care providers who worked in your ACF?____________
______________________________________________________________________________15. Did you create identification cards for the workers?
____ Yes ____ No
15a. If so, what did you use (e.g. commercially available product)?___________________________
______________________________________________________________________________16. Is there anything you would do differently for worker identification in the future?________________
______________________________________________________________________________17. Did you have anyone impersonate a health care provider and try to gain access to your ACF?
____ Yes ____No18. What steps were taken at the State level to facilitate the use of out-of-state medical professionals?
______________________________________________________________________________19. Did your staff have any specialized pre-event training?
____Yes ____No
If yes, please specify: _____________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________20. Are there any other issues with regards to staffing or credentialing which you would like to share (including what other staff you found helpful to have)? ____________________________________________________________
V. ACF Operations
A. General
1. In retrospect, would you have preferred your ACF to have been administered by a different agency?
___ Yes ___ No
1a. If yes, why?: _________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________2. Was your ACF part of a shelter for otherwise healthy evacuees or was it purely a medical treatment facility?
____ Shelter care ____ Medical treatment facility3. Was your goal to serve as a place for hospitals to send their patients in order to "decompress" or were you a primary receiving facility?
____ Hospital decompression ____ Primary receiving facility4. How did you provide for the daycare needs of workers with young children? ____________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________5. Did you provide child care for children of patients when there were no family members available?
____ Yes ____ No6. Did you have any patients being cared for at the intensive care unit level?
____ Yes ____ No7. Do you think it is reasonable for an ACF to be expected to do so?
____ Yes ____ No8. If you provided inpatient care, did you have a formal rounds system?
____ Yes ____ No9. Did you place a limit on the number of visitors/family members?
____ Yes ____ No10. If you had an inpatient component, did you take for feed and shelter the family/visitors of patients?
____ Yes ____ No11. Did you integrate any outside State or Federal teams such as Disaster Medical Assistance Teams into your operations?
____ Yes ____ No12. Were there any lessons learned with regards to doing so?
___ Yes ___ No
12a. If yes, please elaborate: _______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________13. Did you allow pets in your facility?
____ Yes ____ No14. Did you identify any issues with your facility that impaired operations (e.g. inability to control lighting, presence of noise, etc.)?
____ Yes ____ No
14a. If yes, please elaborate: __________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________15. Are there any other issues with regards to operations which you would like to share: __________________
B. Patient Care
1. Did patients self-present to your ACF?
____ Yes ____ No2. In your opinion, should ambulances bring patients directly to the ACF or should they go to the hospital (if available) first?
____ Directly to ACF ____ Hospital first3. Did you have mental health professionals at your facility?
____ Yes ____ No4. Did your definition of futility of care change during your operations?
___ Yes ___ No
4a. If so, what guidelines did you use? ________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________5. Which of the following did you have available to provide care for children?
____ Emergency nurses?
____ Emergency physicians?
____ Family physicians?
____ Pediatric emergency physicians?
____ Pediatric midlevel practitioners?
____ Pediatric nurses?
____ Pediatricians?
____ Other?
Please specify: ___________________________________________________________________6. Did you provide immunizations at your ACF?
____ Yes ____ No7. Did you conduct infectious disease surveillance at your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No
7a. If so, how? ___________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________8. Did you have a system for transferring patients who were beyond the capabilities of your ACF to a hospital?
____ Yes ____ No9. Please indicate any of the following that were utilized in those hospitals to make room for patients transferred from the ACF:
____ Early discharge home
____ Transfer of hospital patients to the ACF
____ Transfer of ICU patients to the ward
____ Transfer of hospital patients to another hospital
9a. What criteria were used in selecting these patients, if known? _____________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________10. Did your ACF specifically take care of populations with special medical needs?
___ Yes ___ No
10a. If yes, please indicate those populations:
____ Dialysis patients
____ Mental health patients
____ Ventilator patients
____ Other (please specify): ________________________________________________________________11. Are there any groups of patients who should have their own ACF set up in order to concentrate resources and/or expertise?
___ Yes ___ No
11a. If yes, please specify: ___________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________12. Given your experience is it reasonable to expect an ACF to care for multiple ventilator-dependent patients?
____ Yes ____ No13. Are there any other issues with regards to special medical needs populations or patient care in general that you would like to share? __________________________________________________________________________________
C. Patient Tracking
1. How did you know which patients were currently at your facility? _______________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________2. How did you know where in the facility they were located? ____________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________3. How did you track the disposition of patients (discharge or transfer)? ___________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________4. Had you developed a disaster patient tracking system prior to the event?
____ Yes ____ No5. How did you keep medical records? ____________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________6. Who became the custodian of those records after the event? __________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________7. Did you keep families together or were adult and pediatric patients separated?
____ Families kept together ____ Adult/peds separated8. Did you separate spouses in order to maintain separation of the sexes?
____ Yes ____ No9. In your opinion, is it better to keep families together throughout the care process?
___ Yes ___ No
9a. If yes, how do you maintain patient privacy? ____________________________________________________
VI. ACF Finance
1. Did you have an active finance section?
____ Yes ____ No2. What percentage of the operating costs were born by each of the following? (total should equal 100%):
____% Volunteer
____% Charitable donations
____% Institution/Health care system
____% Private corporations
____% Local/Municipal/County
____% State
____% Federal
____% Other (please specify): ________________________________________________________________3. Did you submit an invoice to the Federal Government in order to be reimbursed for expenses which you accrued during the operation of your ACF?
___ Yes ___ No
3a. If so, have you received any reimbursement from them yet?
____ Yes ____ No4. Are there any "secrets" which you discovered to increase your chances of being reimbursed by the Federal Government: _________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________5. Did you have any issues of health care workers becoming ill or injured while working at the ACF?
____ Yes ____ No6. Were there any accompanying workmen's compensation issues that accompanied this?
___ Yes ___ No
6a. If so, what were they and how did you handle them? _______________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________7. Are there any other issues with regards to finance which you would like to share? __________________________
Any other comments that would benefit communities that would be setting up an Alternative Care Facility would be very much appreciated: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Comments on the Alternate Care Facility Selection Tool
In the table below, you will find the complete list of the various factors that were originally selected for inclusion in the Alternate Care Facility (ACF) Selection Tool.
- The first column lists the specific factors as found in the tool.
- The second column provides an explanation of the intent/definition for that factor.
- In the third column we are asking that you please rate the importance of that factor in making a decision regarding the selection of a site for one of two types of ACF, the first being for providing "clinic" type ambulatory medical care at a shelter housing displaced persons and the second being at an ACF providing in-patient level care (as well as ambulatory care), using the following rating system:
3 – this factor is an essential component for selecting a site for an ACF
2 – this factor is of moderate importance for selecting a site for an ACF
1 – this factor is of minor importance for selecting a site for an ACF
0 – this factor is unnecessary for selection of a site for an ACF
ACF Selection Tool Factor | Explanation/Definition | Rating (please circle) |
Infrastructure | Shelter Care | ACF In-Patient and Ambulatory Care |
Doors/corridors adequate size for gurneys | This factor evaluates the width of the doorways to allow for passage of gurneys and stretchers. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Floors | This factor evaluates the nature of the floor in the proposed site and whether or not it is acceptable for use for gurneys and stretchers. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Loading dock | This factor evaluates whether or not there is a loading dock available for use to deliver supplies, equipment and patients as well as pickup patients needing transfer away from the ACF. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Parking for staff and visitors | This factor evaluates whether or not there is adequate parking for staff personnel and visitors. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Roof | This factor evaluates whether or not there is a roof on the proposed ACF site and its’ integrity to protect the housed staff and patients. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Toilet facilities/showers (#) | This factor evaluates if there is adequate toilet and shower capability and capacity. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Ventilation | This factor evaluates if there is adequate ventilation in the proposed ACF site. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Walls | This factor evaluates if there are adequate side walls for the protection of staff and patients. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Additional Infrastructure Factors: | |||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
Total Space and Layout | |||
Auxiliary spaces (Rx, counselors, chapel) | This factor evaluates if there is adequate space in the proposed site to permit designated area for patient treatment and procedures, counseling and chapel. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Equipment/supply storage area | This factor evaluates if there is adequate space in the proposed site for equipment/supply cache and storage. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Family area | This factor evaluates if there is adequate space for relatives/family/friends to gather. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Food supply and prep area | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has adequate food preparation capability and supply. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Lab specimen handling area | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has adequate space to provide a lab specimen handling area. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Mortuary holding area | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has an area that can be used as a mortuary holding area. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Patient decontamination areas | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has facilities that could be used for patient/victim decontamination. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Pharmacy area | This factor evaluates if there is adequate space that could be used as a pharmacy area. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Staff areas | This factor evaluates if there is adequate space that could be used for staff rest and rehab. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Additional Space/Layout Factors: | |||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
Utilities | |||
Air conditioning | This factor evaluates if the proposed ACF site has air conditioning capability (if needed). | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Electrical power (backup?) | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has adequate electrical power as well as a backup electrical power source. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Heating | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has adequate heating capability (if needed). | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Lighting | This factor evaluates if the proposed site has adequate lighting to provide for patient care needs and treatment. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Refrigeration | This factor evaluates if there is adequate refrigeration capability, both for food as well as lab specimen storage. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Water (hot?) | This factor evaluates if there is adequate water supply (in general) as well as hot water. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Additional Utility Factors: | |||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
Communication | |||
Communication(# phones, local/long distance, intercom) | This factor evaluates if there is adequate telephone communications capability (in terms of numbers of phones, phone lines, and both local and long distance) as well as internal site communication such as intercom capability. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Two-way radio capability to main hospital | This factor evaluates if the proposed site can accommodate radio communication from the site to receiving hospitals. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Wired for IT and internet access | This factor evaluates if the proposed site is wired for IT and internet access. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Additional Communication Factors: | |||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
Other Services | |||
Ability to lock down facility | This factor evaluates the ability for the proposed ACF site to be secured and locked down (if necessary). | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Accessibility/proximity to public transportation | This factor evaluates the accessibility of and proximity to public transportation of the proposed ACF site. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Biohazard and other waste disposal | This factor evaluates the capacity of the proposed site for appropriate management of biohazard and other medical waste disposal. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Laundry | This factor evaluates the capacity and capability of the proposed site to launder dirty linens. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Ownership/other uses during disaster | This factor evaluates the ownership of the proposed facility, the ease with which the facility can be obtained for use as an ACF and whether or not the site is slated for other uses in the event of a mass casualty incident. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Oxygen delivery capability | This factor evaluates the capability of the proposed site to provide oxygen to patients. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Proximity to main hospital | This factor evaluates the proximity of the proposed site to referral hospitals. | 3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |
Additional "Other Services" Factors: | |||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 | ||
3 2 1 0 | 3 2 1 0 |