TAKEheart Partner Hospitals
TAKEheart Partner Hospitals ranged from large health systems to smaller independent hospitals and were located throughout the United States. Importantly, this meant that Partner Hospitals explored the use of the TAKEheart approach and tools in a variety of clinical settings.
Lessons learned from the experiences of the Partner Hospitals helped coaches produce a revised, stand-alone set of training materials and resources that can be used independently by other hospitals for their own quality improvement journeys. Visit the training section to access these updated training materials and read below to learn more about the experiences of some of our partner hospitals.
East Alabama Medical Center TAKEheart Profile
"For EAMC, TAKEheart served as a catalyst to improve processes and refine elements of our automatic referral and care coordination systems, which will ultimately improve patient outcomes."
Kathe Briggs, East Alabama Medical Center
Lee Health TAKEheart Profile
"TAKEheart's workflow mapping exercise helped our team discover that patients were not consistently being referred to cardiac rehabilitation by physicians."
Marion Harris Barter, Lee Health
Stanford Health Care TAKEheart Profile
"Participating in TAKEheart provided me with strategies to automate our referral processes, resulting in increased enrollment in our cardiac rehabilitation program."
Jonathan David, Stanford Health Care