The "Never Antibiotics" Diagnoses: Influenza and RSV
After viewing or presenting this presentation, viewers will be able to—
- Describe how to diagnose influenza.
- Explain the role of antivirals for treatment of influenza.
- Describe how to diagnose and treat RSV.
The Never Antibiotics Diagnoses: Influenza and RSV – Slides (PPTX, 3.7 MB)
The Never Antibiotics Diagnoses: Influenza and RSV – Facilitator Guide (DOCX, 7 MB)
Clinician One-Page Document and Discussion Guide
Influenza – Clinician One-Page Document (PDF, 213 KB)
Influenza – Discussion Guide (DOCX, 94 KB)
Patient Handouts
These handouts can be given to your patients to help them understand their infection and your antibiotic choices.
The Flu – Patient and Family Member Handout (English) (DOCX, 274 KB)
The Flu – Patient and Family Member One-Page Handout (Spanish) (DOCX, 273 KB)