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Knowledge objectives
Participants will be able to understand:
- Why detecting change is important.
- How to know a resident's normal (baseline) condition.
- How to watch for change.
- How the Early Warning tool and SBAR tool work.
- How to communicate about change.
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Performance objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Summarize a resident's normal (baseline) condition for other team members.
- Identify whether changes in a resident's condition are important or not important.
- Promote behaviors that improve change detection.
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Performance objectives (continued)
Participants will be able to:
- Use the Early Warning tool and SBAR tool.
- Decide when to report or when to ask for help when observing changes in a resident's condition.
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Case Study: Ms. A
- 79-year-old frail woman.
- Admitted after hip fracture, followed by hospital and rehabilitation stays.
- Walks with a walker.
- Daughters visit on weekends.
- Liquid diarrhea.
- Falling blood pressure, rising heart rate.
- Fever of 102o F.
- Transferred to the hospital intensive care unit.
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Case Study: Ms. A
- How did Ms. A get so sick with only diarrhea?
- When might you have decided to report it?
- What would you have reported and to whom?
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Key Lessons
- Learn to notice a change early.
- Not reporting a change can lead to other things going wrong.
- The sooner something is done, the better.
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Role of Nursing Assistants and Licensed Nurses
- Your role in a long-term nursing center is important.
- Nursing assistants see the residents most often.
- Residents in long-term care depend on nursing assistants to notice changes.
- Nursing assistants are the eyes, ears, and hands of the care team.
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Detecting Change
- Know the resident's normal (baseline) condition.
- Note the resident's ability to move around.
- Know how the resident does with activities of daily living.
- Know the resident's preferences for activities, eating, and dressing.
Changes from the resident's normal condition can signal a medical change.
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Recognizing Changes
- Do a shift-to-shift comparison.
- Make sure the needed equipment is available.
- See if a change occurred in any of the resident's other vital signs.
- Check the resident's records of urination and bowel movements.
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Registered Nurse's Assessment
- Ask the resident how he or she feels, even if the resident is confused or seems to be "out of it."
- Ask the resident how and when the symptoms began.
- Take the resident's vital signs again.
- Perform a general exam; assess level of consciousness and cognitive and physical function.
- After the assessment, organize the information and report it to the resident's nurse practitioner or doctor, if warranted.
- Several tools to help with evaluating mental status can be found in the MDS.
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Top 12 Changes in Residents
Physical Changes:
- Walking.
- Urination and bowel patterns.
- Skin.
- Level of weakness.
- Falls.
- Vital sign.
Non-Physical Changes:
- Demeanor.
- Appetite.
- Sleeping.
- Speech.
- Confusion or agitation.
- Resident complaints of pain.
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Watch for Physical Changes
- Walking—e.g., how much assistance the resident needs with walking.
- Urination and bowel patterns—e.g., the resident is urinating less frequently.
- Skin—e.g., the resident's skin is puffy.
- Level of weakness—e.g., the resident is having difficulty lifting his or her arm.
- Falls—e.g., the resident reaches for objects when in a wheelchair.
- Vital signs—e.g., the resident is breathing faster than normal.
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Watch for Non-physical Changes
- Demeanor—e.g., the resident is socializing less than normal.
- Appetite—e.g., the resident is not interested in his or her food.
- Sleeping—e.g., the resident falls asleep in unusual places.
- Speech—e.g., the resident's speech is slurred.
- Confusion or agitation—e.g., the resident is talking a lot more than usual.
- Resident complaints of pain—e.g., the resident grimaces or winces when moving.
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Watching for Change
- The key is to always be watching.
- Residents should be watched wherever they are, all the time.
- Check in with residents often.
- Talk with others who provide care for your residents.
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All Members of the Interdisciplinary Team Must Watch for Changes
Physical Changes:
- Walking.
- Urination and bowel patterns.
- Skin.
- Level of weakness.
- Falls.
- Vital sign.
Non-Physical Changes:
- Demeanor.
- Appetite.
- Sleeping.
- Speech.
- Confusion or agitation.
- Resident complaints of pain.
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What is important enough to report?
- For about every three to five reports, one full assessment is done.
- It is more important to report anything that might matter than to get the amount of reported information perfect.
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How to Follow Up on the First Sign of Changes
- Shift-to-shift comparisons.
- Are there any changes that should be watched for or reported?
- Early Warning tool:
- Form that nursing assistants can use to write down what they have noticed about a resident's condition.
- Use the tool anytime a resident has had a change.
- SBAR tool:
- An abbreviation that helps you to remember how to communicate change.
- SBAR stands for Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation.
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Observing and Reporting
- Who is responsible?
- Front-line providers are the eyes and ears of the team.
- Part of helping the team perform best is sharing information.
- Receptionists, occupational therapists, chaplains, volunteers, housekeeping staff, other staff members, and visitors are important observers.
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A Safe Environment
- Reporting changes helps keep residents as safe as possible.
- Learning and experience help providers to keep residents safe.
- Open communication among team members helps to keep residents safe.
- Team members must move beyond blaming someone.
- Those who care will speak up.
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Summing Up:
- Detecting changes can prevent illness from getting worse.
- Nursing staff know the resident best.
- Nursing staff must be alert to watching for changes.
- The need to share observations and respond to changes is very important.
- Staff must know what's normal for the resident so it can used for comparison when there is a change.
- Staff must know the different changes they need to watch for.
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- The best way to detect a change in a nursing center resident is to get to know what is normal for that resident.
- You can learn to be observant and to make a habit of being "tuned in" to residents.
- Older people tend to respond less to change and may exhibit symptoms of illness that are different from those seen in younger people.
- A safe environment supports open reporting of resident changes and does not find fault with reporters.
- When in doubt, report a change.
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- Feeling that it is hard to report a change due to fear of blame is a barrier to safe care.
- Forgetting to use reporting tools makes it harder to alert the care team to changes in a resident's condition.
- Expecting someone else to take action when change is detected does not help residents stay safe.
- Assuming someone else knows the resident better or knows more than you can get in the way of your desire to report what you think might be a change.