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Knowledge objectives
Participants will understand:
- Why communicating changes in a resident's condition is an important safety issue.
- Why communication lapses are a major risk factor for resident safety.
- Key principles of effective communication.
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Knowledge Objectives (continued)
Participants will understand:
- Typical obstacles to effective communication and how to overcome them.
- What should be communicated about changes in a resident's condition.
- How to communicate a resident's change in condition using the SBAR and CUS tools.
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Performance Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate good communication techniques.
- Practice good communication skills.
- Effectively communicate a change in a resident's condition.
- Use some simple tools to improve communication.
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Case Study: Mrs. C
- What needs to be communicated?
- By and to whom?
- How?
- When?
- Where?
- How do you know when the communication has worked?
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Reporting Changes in a Resident's Condition
- Detecting and reporting changes: essential to patient care.
- Reporting changes is necessary for quality resident care.
- Reporting involves the following skills:
- Communicating what you have noticed to the care team.
- Working together to identify what the change might mean.
- Working with the team to take action to make sure the resident is safe.
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A Safe Environment
- Reporting changes helps keep residents safe.
- Learning and experience are what make safety possible.
- Openly reporting anything that might affect a resident's wellbeing is essential for a safe environment.
- Change in a resident's condition should be reported openly, whenever it happens.
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Communicating About Unwanted Events
- Learn to communicate openly when something happens that might affect a resident's well-being.
- Move beyond blaming anyone to being able to openly share experiences.
- Show you care by speaking up.
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- Express yourself in a way that you will be "heard."
- "Hear" how other people answer you.
- Two types of communication: verbal and non-verbal.
We all are responsible for communicating about change in a resident's condition.
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Stages of Communication
- Get ready.
- Give your information.
- Check to see if it was received.
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Stages of Receiving Communication
- Listening.
- Responding.
- Following up.
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Barriers to Communication
- Differences in:
- Gender.
- Age/generation.
- Language.
- Culture.
- Status.
- Interpersonal issues.
- Environmental or system barriers.
- Workload issues.
We may face several communication barriers at the same time.
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Session 1 Summary
For good communication:
- Have ideas about how to work around barriers.
- Give clear messages.
- Focus your attention by actively listening.
- Be aware of nonverbal signals, both given and received.
- Give and ask for feedback.
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- Identify yourself.
- Identify the resident.
- State the problem.
- Give a physical assessment report.
- Be brief and concise.
- Brief medical history.
- Health care already provided.
- Medications list.
- Allergies.
- Vital signs.
- Lab results.
- Advance directive or code status.
- Findings.
- Severity.
- Life-threatening?
- What should happen next?
- What do you need?
- Timeframe?
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Benefits of SBAR
- Teamwork.
- Expectations.
- Critical thinking skills.
- Patient safety.
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Using the SBAR Tool
- Speak clearly.
- Review the chart.
- Complete the SBAR.
- Document the SBAR in progress notes.
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Example: Nursing Assistant to Nurse
- Ms C fell asleep in her clothes this evening and cursed at me.
- She is the 85-year-old from room C6; she is usually pretty friendly and does her own ADLs.
- She seems okay physically, but I am worried.
- I'd feel better if you would take a look at her and make an assessment.
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- I am Concerned.
- I am Uncomfortable.
- The Safety of the resident is at risk.
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Information to Be Communicated
- Top physical and non-physical changes to watch for in residents.
- Nursing assistant communication tasks.
- Licensed nurse communication tasks.
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Session 2 Summary
- Noticing changes in a resident's condition is important, but it is not enough to ensure resident safety and well-being.
- Changes must be detected early and communicated promptly.
- A safe environment depends on good communication.
- Everyone is responsible for speaking up.
- Communication skills can be learned.
- We all face barriers to communication.
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- Caring means communicating.
- Communication happens in many directions, among many disciplines.
- Communicating effectively = speaking up and listening for feedback.
- Effective communication involves speaking and listening.
- Often, there are barriers to communication, and frequently several barriers at the same time.
- Communication tools like SBAR and CUS help us structure our communications.
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- Assuming that someone in a higher position knows what is happening is often incorrect.
- Saying something does not mean you have been heard.
- Assuming that someone from a different culture who speaks your language understands you is often incorrect.
- Forgetting to listen can be as much of a problem as not speaking up.