Community Resource Element
Potential Measure S | |
Item | Description |
Title | Accessibility of community resources |
Description | This measure assesses whether relevant community resources are accessible within a community. |
Domain | Accessibility (community resource) |
Data source | Audit – A standardized evaluation form would be used to assess a community resource’s attributes to determine how accessible the community resource is. |
Calculation method | This measure may be reported as the percentage of community resources within a community that are accessible. Attributes of accessibility could include: open scheduling, open hours, proximity to various modes of transportation, etc. |
Notes | A supplementary data source could include a database that lists all available community resources within a community. This information may be gathered from various sources including Web sites and the Community Information and Referral Systems: Similar to measure B in clinic/clinician element |
Potential Measure T | |
Item | Description |
Title | Community resource delivery system infrastructure |
Description | This measure assesses whether community resources have office/administrative systems and workflow processes to support the delivery of preventive services to patients. |
Domain | Delivery system design (community resource) |
Data source | Community resource self-assessment tool |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed at the level of an individual community resource or as the percentage of community resources in a community that have the office/administrative systems and workflow processes to support the delivery of preventive services to patients. |
Notes | Principles of this measure may be derived from the Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (ACIC) Quality Improvement tool: Section 5: Similar to measure C in clinic/clinician element |
Potential Measure U | |
Item | Description |
Title | Community resource capacity to deliver preventive services |
Description | This measure assesses whether the preventive services offered by community resources are sufficient to meet a community’s needs. |
Domain | Delivery system design (community resource) |
Data source | Community assessment - An auditor would use a standard rubric to assess the capacity of the community resources in a community to meet the need for the delivery of preventive services. |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed at the level of a single community resource organization or as a descriptive report of a particular community determining whether the services offered sufficiently meet a community’s needs. |
Notes | N/A |
Potential Measure V | |
Item | Description |
Title | Community resource appropriate use of health information technology |
Description | This measure assesses whether community resources in a community use health information technology appropriately to support the delivery of preventive services and help patients achieve prevention goals. Appropriate use of health information technology may be defined in terms of CMS Meaningful Use objectives, or other ways of using technology to improve quality, reduce health disparities, or engage patients and family. |
Domain | Information technology infrastructure (community resource) |
Data source | Audit – An auditor would use a standardized evaluation form to indicate whether a community resource has access to health information technology and assess whether it uses the health information technology appropriately to support the delivery of clinical preventive services and help patients achieve prevention goals. |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed at the level of a single community resource organization or as the percentage of community resource organizations within a community that use health information technology appropriately to support the delivery of clinical preventive services and help patients achieve prevention goals. |
Notes | Types of health information technology could include: electronic health records, personal health records, health information exchanges, or referral systems. Principles for this measure may be adapted from the meaningful use objectives: The meaning of “appropriate” use of health information technology depends on context, setting, and the particular evaluation goals of any study that uses the measure. Similar to measure D in clinic/clinician element |
Potential Measure W | |
Item | Description |
Title | Availability of community resource marketing plans |
Description | This measure assesses whether community resources have an adequate marketing plan guiding how they will advertise and promote their available preventive services to clinics/clinicians and to the public. |
Domain | Marketing of services (community resource) |
Data source | Audit – Review of administrative management data and/or organizational policies and procedures |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed at the level of a single community resource organization or as the percentage of community resource organizations within a community that have an adequate marketing plan. |
Notes | N/A |
Potential Measure X | |
Item | Description |
Title | Effectiveness of community resource marketing |
Description | This measure assesses awareness and interest by patients and/or clinic/clinicians in utilizing community resource services after a marketing plan is implemented. |
Domain | Marketing results (community resource) |
Data source | Patient and/or clinic/clinician survey |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed for a particular community resource or for community resources in a community as a whole. This measure will be reported as the percentage of the target population for the marketing effort that is aware of the services provided by a community resource and intends to or already has utilized them. |
Notes | This measure will need to consider the target audience of the community resource marketing to determine the appropriate population to assess. Besides surveys, web analytics and/or social media tracking could be used as supplementary data sources. |
Potential Measure Y | |
Item | Description |
Title | Financial sustainability (community resource) |
Description | This measure is a qualitative assessment of the financial sustainability of community organizations that can provide applicable clinical preventive services, taking into account financial performance, governance, organizational affiliations, and contractual arrangements. |
Domain | Organizational infrastructure (community resource). |
Data source | Audit - An auditor would conduct a review of relevant financial and organizational documents, and gather information from organizational leaders to assess financial sustainability. |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed for a particular community organization, or for relevant organizations in the community as a whole. A report may be developed describing the degree to which community resources are supported by sustainable business models and governance structures. |
Notes | Similar to measure E of clinic/clinician element |
Potential Measure Z | |
Item | Description |
Title | Community resource readiness to change |
Description | This measure assesses whether community resources in a community are ready to make the changes necessary to participate in clinical-community relationships. |
Domain | Readiness for behavior change (community resource) |
Data source | Community resource survey |
Calculation method | This measure assumes that most community resources are not already participating in clinical-community relationships for prevention. This measure may be reported as the percentage of community resources in a community willing to participate in clinical-community relationships for prevention. |
Notes | Principles for this measure may be adapted from Prochaska’s Transtheoretical mode5. Similar to measure G of clinic/clinician element |
Potential Measure AA | |
Item | Description |
Title | Infrastructure to maintain relationships with clinic(s) |
Description | This measure assesses whether community resources in a community have the infrastructure to maintain clinical-community relationships with a clinic(s). |
Domain | Service capacity (community resource) |
Data source | Community resource survey |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed for a particular community resource or for community resources in a community as a whole. This measure may be reported as the percentage of community resources within a community that have infrastructure to maintain clinical-community relationships with a clinic(s). |
Notes | Relevant infrastructure includes staffing, technology, and training. Similar to measure H of clinic/clinician element. |
Potential Measure BB | |
Item | Description |
Title | Progress through the stages of organizational behavior change (community resource) |
Description | This measure assesses how well community resources have been able to initiate and sustain organizational changes needed to support clinical community relationships. |
Domain | Stage of behavior change (community resource) |
Data source | Community resource survey |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed for a particular community resource or for community resources in a community as a whole. This measure may be reported as the percentage of community resources that have been able to initiate and sustain relevant organizational changes over time. |
Notes | Measure should consider principles from Prochaska’s Transtheoretical model5. Similar to measure I of clinic/clinician element and R of patient element |
Potential Measure CC | |
Item | Description |
Title | Staff competency in providing preventive health services (community resource) |
Description | This measure assesses the level of community resource staff competency in providing relevant preventive health counseling services to patients. |
Domain | Training (community resource) |
Data source | Audit - An auditor would use a standard rubric to indicate the level of competency the staff of a community resource has in providing various preventive health services. |
Calculation method | This measure may be assessed at the level of an individual community resource organization or as the percentage of community resources in a community that have achieved competency in providing preventive health counseling to patients. |
Notes | This measure applies to USPSTF-recommended preventive counseling services provided by community resources. Similar to measure J of clinic/clinician element |