The data sources are based on the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ (AHRQ, 2011) full listing of data sources.
- Administrative Clinical Data: Data such as enrollment or eligibility information, claims information, and managed care encounters. The claims and encounters may be for hospital and other facility services, professional services, prescription drug services, laboratory services, and so on, gathered from billing codes or other coding systems. This refers to information that is collected, processed, and stored in automated information systems.
- Administrative Management Data: Data that describe attributes of delivery organizations, staff, equipment, nonclinical operations, and financing.
- Clinical Training Documentation: The recording of the details of educational and related activities intended to augment the skills and knowledge of clinical personnel.
- Documentation of Organizational Self-Assessment: An organization's recordkeeping of its identifiable strengths and noticeable gaps in agency performance. The assessment serves to provide agencies with the means to evaluate and understand their own systems and program operations in order to strengthen the services delivered to the community and gain accreditation.
- Electronic Health/Medical Record: In health informatics, an electronic medical record (EMR) is considered to be one of several types of electronic health records (EHRs), but EMR and EHR are also used interchangeably. EHRs are sometimes defined as including other systems that keep track of medical information, such as practice management software that facilitates the day-to-day operations of a medical practice. Such software frequently allows users to capture patient demographics, schedule appointments, maintain lists of insurance payers, perform billing tasks, and generate reports.
- External Audit: A review of a health care organization by a separate organizational entity that examines structures in the health care setting (e.g., facilities, staffing, or the availability of drugs and equipment) or the management of particular clinical or administrative processes.
- Flowsheet: A prospectively maintained tabular or graphic summary in a patient record of changes over time in clinical factors or patient care such as the patient's vital signs, preventive services delivered, or medications prescribed.
- Health Professional Survey: An investigation aimed at gathering information from health professionals to search and disseminate information relating to their professions.
- Inspections/Site Visits: A formal visit to a hospital or heath care facility by representatives from an accrediting organization.
- Laboratory Data: Data collected from a site equipped for experimentation, observation, testing and analysis, or practice in a field of study. In regards to clinical practice, laboratory data may provide information on diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or treatment of disease based on close examination of the human body.
- Medical Record: That part of a client's health record that is made by physicians and is a written or transcribed history of various illnesses or injuries requiring medical care, inoculations, allergies, treatments, prognosis, and frequently health information about parents, siblings, occupation, and military service. The record may be reviewed by a physician in diagnosing the condition.
- National Public Health Data: Public health data include national health status (gathered through birth and death certificates, hospital discharge diagnoses, other epidemiologic sources), communicable disease (food/water/air/waste/vector borne), environmental health risks, presence of and use of health care facilities and providers, preventive services, and other information identified by the nation as helpful for planning.
- Organizational Policies and Procedures: Refers to the principles and methods, whether formalized, authorized, or documented, that enable people affiliated with an organization to perform in a predictable, repeatable, and consistent way.
- Patient/Individual Survey: An instrument that assesses patients' perspectives on any of the following: their health and the care they receive, including the level of patients' satisfaction, or patients' understanding of their health status.
- Pharmacy Data: A database that provides information on prescription and/or dispensing of drug and non-drug products that may be obtained from a pharmacy (retail or health care institution-based).
- Provider Characteristics: Specific descriptive information about the clinician provider or the facility caring for the patient.
- Region, County, or City Public Health Data: Public health data include community health status on a region/county/city level (gathered through birth and death certificates, hospital discharge diagnoses, local surveys, other epidemiologic sources), communicable disease (food/water/air/waste/vector borne), environmental health risks, presence of and use of health care facilities and providers, preventive services, and other information identified by the local community as helpful for planning.
- Registry Data: An organized system that uses observational study methods to collect uniform data (clinical and other) to evaluate specified outcomes for a population defined by a particular disease, condition, or exposure, and that serves one or more predetermined scientific, clinical, or policy purposes.
- Special or Unique Data: A data source that is unique to an organization and inaccessible to outside entities or persons.
- State/Province Public Health Data: Public health data include community health status on a State/province level (gathered through birth and death certificates, hospital discharge diagnoses, statewide and local surveys, other epidemiologic sources), communicable disease (food/water/air/waste/vector borne), environmental health risks, presence of and use of health care facilities and providers, preventive services, and other information identified by the community as helpful for planning.
- Other: Another data source that does not fit any of the criteria listed above.
- Not Specified: The reference/Web site did not indicate how measure data were to be collected.