SATIS-PHI/CRC Postintervention Informal Interview Protocol
Name (Interviewee): | ______________________ |
Location: | ______________________ |
Address: | ______________________ |
Telephone No.: | ______________________ |
Fax No.: | ______________________ |
E-Mail: | ______________________ |
Date: | ______________________ |
Interviewer: | ______________________ |
Note to interviewer: The purpose of these informal interviews is to gather additional information or to provide clarification and followup to issues that were discussed (or not discussed) during a previous practice focus group. The interview script below includes questions that may or may not be asked, as it will serve as a guide rather than a script for the interviews.
Your decision to participate in this interview is voluntary. You may refuse to take part, or choose to stop, at any time. A decision to refuse to take part or to stop being a part of our discussion will not have a negative impact on you in any way. All information discussed today will be held in confidence. Information you provide will be summarized and reported with the responses of others, and will not be linked to you or any individual. There is no direct benefit from being interviewed; however, taking part may help identify strategies to improve colorectal cancer screening and followup in the future.
Do you have any questions about your participation in this interview? If you do not want to participate, please let me know at this time.
* Indicates questions of a higher priority.
- * In general, can you tell me what you thought about the colorectal cancer screening intervention?
- How do you think it worked in terms of increasing colorectal cancer screening?
- How do you think it worked in terms of increasing screening followup?
- * What were some of the things that you think made the intervention work well in your practice (e.g., facilitators)?
- Was there anything that specifically worked well to increase screening?
- Was there anything that specifically worked well to increase followup?
- * What were some things that you think did not work so well in your practice (e.g., barriers)?
- Was there anything specifically that did not work well to increase screening?
- Was there anything specifically that did not work well to increase followup?
- How did the practice handle questions or visits from patients?
- Did the practice experience an increase in phone calls and visits from patients inquiring about the screening?
- How did the staff respond to patients' questions about the project or about colorectal cancer screening in general?
- Did they feel like they were knowledgeable enough about the intervention (e.g., was enough information provided to them)?
- * Tell me about whether you think the practice will continue with the intervention in the future?
- If you've seen an increase in colorectal cancer screening and followup, describe to me whether you think this increase is sustainable. Why or why not?
- Are there any stories that you find particularly memorable (no names) with respect to the intervention that you'd like to share?
- * What do you think could have been done to improve the intervention?
- Do you think anything could have been done to improve the following intervention components?
- Academic detailing
- Chart audits
- CDE performance feedback form
- Coordination with the lab
- Provider understanding
- Practice staff understanding
- Perception of patient satisfaction
- Do you think anything could have been done to improve the following intervention components?
- Before we end, are there any issues or topics that I have not brought up today that you would like to address?
***Thank you very much for taking the time to talk with me today.***