Column Heading | Value Type | Description | Typei |
Admit_src | Character | Source of admissionii | E |
Icu_admit | Numeric | 1 if admitted from OR to ICU, else 0 | E |
Inpat_surg | Numeric | 1 if inpatient surgery, else 0 | E |
Outpat_surg | Numeric | 1 if outpatient surgery, else 0 | E |
Age | Numeric (yrs) | Patient age, years | P |
BMI | Numeric | Body Mass Index before surgery | P |
CA_hx | Numeric | Listed ICD9 codeiii w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
ch_kidney_dx | Character | Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
ch_lung_dx | Character | Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
COPD_hx | Numeric | Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
diabetes | Character | Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
DVT | Numeric | 1 if pat. developed DVT related to surgery within 90days | P |
Hypocholest | Character | Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
MRSA | Numeric | Hx of MRSA | P |
Patid | Numeric | Random or sequential de-identified number with prefixiv | P |
Payer | Numeric | Payer/insurance type (govt=2, nongovt=1, none=0) | P |
Postop_hematocrit | Numeric | First hematocrit value after surgery | P |
Postop_admit | Numeric | Hospital admission after surgery within 30 days=1, else 0 | P |
Preop_hematocrit | Numeric | Latest hematocrit value just before surgery | P |
Preop_hemoglob | Numeric | Latest hemoglobin value just before surgery | P |
Postop_hemoglob | Numeric | First hemoglobin value after surgery | P |
Preop_stay | Numeric (days) | Days from admission to surgery start day | P |
Proeop_albumin | Numeric | Last albumin value before surgery start time | P |
Rheum-dx | Character | Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 | P |
Sex | Character | M or F | P |
SSI | Numeric | 1 if pat. had a SSI as a result of this surgery, else 0 | P |
Abx_dc | Numeric | 1 if yes…0 if no* | S |
ASA | Numeric | ASA score | S |
Emergent | Numeric | 1 if emergency surgery, else 0 | S |
General_anes | Numeric | 1 if yes…0 if no | S |
No_procedures | Numeric (count) | Number of procedures during same operation | S |
Surg_date/time | Date | Date and time of surgery | S |
Surg_dur | Numeric | Surgery duration, minutes | S |
Surg_proc | Character | Surgical procedure (TH, TK, CA, HE, AP) | S |
Surgeon_ex | Numeric (yrs) | Number of years surgeon has been practicing | S |
Wnd_class | Numeric | 1-4 | S |
* Abx d/c within 48 hrs for CABG and within 24 hrs for TH, TK, HE, AP
i E = environmental factor, P = patient specific, S = surgery specific.
ii Refer to Admission_Source_Table
iii Refer to SSI Risk Tool Comorbidities ICD9 Codes table