Teaching Pre-Implementation Readiness
Present Slide 10, "Assessing Your Readiness"; note the importance of objectively assessing whether an organization is ready to implement TeamSTEPPS. Have people share times when their organizations attempted a change they weren’t really prepared for.
Using Slide 11, “Conducting a Readiness Assessment,” reinforce the message that:
- A readiness assessment should be a team activity because team buy-in will be key to implementation success.
- The readiness assessment tool is a helpful resource for this task.
- Culture surveys can inform a decision about whether an organization or unit is ready for TeamSTEPPS.
Note that readiness is often a matter of “more or less,” and if an organization is unsure that they are ready, they can address areas of weakness before beginning to implement TeamSTEPPS. Alternatively, they may start the process incrementally in units or areas that seem most ready.