National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care
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- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Tools
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Surveys on Patient Safety Culture
AHRQ’s Surveys on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS™) Program, develops and maintains surveys, toolkits, and databases on patient safety culture for hospitals, medical offices, nursing homes, community pharmacies, and ambulatory surgery centers.
The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture helps hospitals assess the culture of safety in their institutions. A comparative database on the survey allows hospitals to compare their safety culture with other hospitals who voluntarily submit their survey data.
The Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture asks outpatient medical office providers and staff for their opinions about the culture of patient safety and health care quality in their medical offices. The comparative database allows medical offices to compare their safety culture with other medical offices that voluntarily submit their survey data.
The Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture asks nursing home providers and staff for their opinions about the culture of patient safety in their nursing home. The comparative database allows nursing homes to compare their results with other nursing homes that voluntarily submit their survey data.
The Community Pharmacy Survey on Patient Safety Culture asks community pharmacy staff for their opinions about the culture of patient safety in their pharmacy. AHRQ created a central repository for survey data from community pharmacies that administer the AHRQ community pharmacy survey on patient safety and voluntarily submit their data to the database. The submitting pharmacies are not representative of all U.S. community pharmacies.
The Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture asks ambulatory surgery center staff for their opinions about the culture of patient safety in their facility. The survey does not have a comparative database.
The Surveys on Patient Safety Culture Research Reference List includes references on the use of the surveys, psychometric analyses, analyses linking the survey to outcome data, reviews of instruments, and international studies.
The Action Planning Tool for the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture (PDF, 777 KB; Word, 112 KB) is intended for use after an organization administers the survey and analyzes the results. It provides step-by-step guidance to help survey users develop an action plan to improve patient safety culture.
The Improving Response Rates on the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture recording gives listeners tips and tools to increase an organization's survey response rates.
The Webinar on Using Just Culture to Improve Hospital SOPS Results from November 9, 2016, features Just Culture initiatives that helped improve scores on the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, particularly the Nonpunitive Response to Error composite. Topics discussed include strategies used to implement Just Culture in a health care system and how these led to improved results on the survey.