(1) Staff Position
Note 1: Medical offices that did not ask respondents to indicate their staff position were excluded from these breakout tables. In addition, respondents who selected “Other” or who did not answer (missing) were not included.
Note 2: The number of medical offices and respondents by staff position is shown in each table. The number of medical offices is based on whether medical offices asked respondents to indicate their staff position (not all medical offices asked this question). However, the precise number of medical offices and respondents corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because medical offices may have omitted a specific survey item and because of individual nonresponse/missing data.
Table B-1. Composite-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Staff Position—2014 Database Medical OfficesTable B-2. Item-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Staff Position—2014 Database Medical Offices
Table B-3. Item-Level Average Percentages of Overall Ratings by Staff Position—2014 Database Medical Offices
Table B-4. Average Percentage of Respondents Giving Their Medical Office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety by Staff Position—2014 Database Medical Offices
(2) Tenure in Current Medical Office
Note 1: Medical offices that did not ask respondents to indicate their tenure in current medical office were excluded from these breakout tables.
Note 2: The number of medical offices and respondents by tenure in current medical office is shown in each table. The number of medical offices is based on whether medical offices asked respondents to indicate their tenure in current medical office (not all medical offices asked this question). However, the precise number of medical offices and respondents corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because medical offices may have omitted a specific survey item and because of individual nonresponse/missing data.
Table B-5. Composite-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Tenure in Medical Office—2014 Database Medical OfficesTable B-6. Item-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Tenure in Medical Office—2014 Database Medical Offices
Table B-7. Item-Level Average Percentages of Overall Ratings by Tenure in Medical Office—2014 Database Medical Offices
Table B-8. Average Percentage of Respondents Giving Their Medical Office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety by Tenure in Medical Office—2014 Database Medical Offices