This chapter presents descriptive information on how the 2014 database medical offices administered the survey.
The 2014 database consists of survey data from 935 medical offices with a total of 27,103 medical office providers and staff respondents. Participating medical offices administered the medical office survey to their providers and staff between November 2011 and November 2013 and voluntarily submitted their data for inclusion in the database.
Overall response rate statistics for medical offices included in the 2014 database are shown in Table 2-1. An average of 29 completed surveys were submitted per medical office (range: 5 to 725), with an average medical office response rate of 64 percent (range: 3 to 100 percent).
Most medical offices administered the survey by Web only (83 percent), as shown in Table 2-2; however, paper-only administration had the highest average response rate (83 percent), as shown in Table 2-3.