Part II—Appendixes A & B: Overall Results by Medical Office and Respondent Characteristics
Appendixes A and B present data tables that show average percent positive scores on the survey composites and items across database medical offices broken down by the following medical office and respondent characteristics:
Appendix A: Overall Results by Medical Office Characteristics
- Number of Providers.
- Single vs. Multi-Specialty.
- Single Specialty.
- Ownership.
- Geographic Region.
Appendix B: Overall Results by Respondent Characteristics
- Staff Position.
- Tenure in Medical Office.
Highlights from these results by medical office and respondent characteristics were presented in the main body of the report at the end of Chapter 6 and are also shown on the next two pages. Highlights were based on results for the 10 patient safety culture composites, five Overall Ratings on Quality, and patient safety grade. The bottom row of the composite-level tables shows an overall average across composites as a summary statistic for comparing across breakout categories.
Comparing Your Results
You can compare your medical office's percent positive scores on the patient safety culture composites and items against the averages shown in Appendix A for medical offices with your same number of providers, single specialty or multi-specialty, specialty, ownership, or geographic region. You can use a 5 percentage point difference as a rule of thumb for determining what differences to pay attention to.
To compare your medical office's results against Appendix B, your medical office will have to compute percent positive scores on the safety culture composites and items broken down by staff positions and tenure in the medical office. You can then compare your medical office's percent positive scores against the averages shown in the tables. Again, you can use a 5 percentage point difference as a rule of thumb.
Highlights From Appendix A: Overall Results by Medical Office Characteristics
Number of Providers (Tables A-1, A-3, A-4)
- Medical offices with one provider had the highest average percent positive on all 10 patient safety culture composites; the greater the number of providers, the lower the average percent positive score across composites.
- Percent positive scores for all five Overall Ratings on Quality (those responding "Excellent" or "Very good") were typically higher for medical offices with fewer providers.
- Medical offices with one provider had the highest percentage of respondents who gave their medical office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety of "Excellent" or "Very good" (75 percent); medical offices with 20 or more providers had the lowest (53 percent).
Single vs. Multi-Specialty (Tables A-5, A-7, A-8)
- Single specialty medical offices were more positive than Multi-specialty medical offices on all 10 patient safety culture composites.
- Single specialty medical offices had higher percent positive scores for all five Overall Ratings on Quality (those responding "Excellent" or "Very good").
- Single specialty medical offices had a higher percentage of respondents who gave their medical office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety of "Excellent" or "Very good" (70 percent) than Multi-specialty medical offices (65 percent).
Single Specialty (Tables A-9, A-12)
- Medical offices that only specialized in Pediatrics had the highest average percent positive on all 10 patient safety culture composites (79 percent); Hematology had the lowest (68 percent).
- Medical offices that only specialized in Pediatrics had the highest Overall Rating on Patient Safety (those responding "Excellent" or "Very good") (76 percent); Hematology and Internal Medicine had the lowest (64 percent).
Ownership (Tables A-13, A-15, A-16)
- Hospital or health system owned medical offices had the highest average percent positive response across the composites (75 percent); University/Medical school/Academic medical institution had the lowest (69 percent).
- Hospital or health system ownedmedical offices had the highest percent positive scores (those responding "Excellent" or "Very good") for all five Overall Ratings on Quality.
- Hospital or health system owned medical offices had the highest Overall Rating on Patient Safety (those responding "Excellent" or "Very good") (71 percent); University/Medical School/Academic medical institution owned medical offices had the lowest (59 percent).
Geographic Region (Tables A-17, A-19, A-20)
- South Atlantic medical offices had the highest average percent positive response across patient safety culture composites (77 percent); New England/Mid-Atlantic had the lowest (67 percent).
- South Atlantic medical offices had the highest percent positive scores for all five Overall Ratings on Quality (those responding "Excellent" or "Very good").
- South Atlantic medical offices had the highest percentage of respondents who gave their medical office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety of "Excellent" or "Very good" (75 percent). New England/Mid-Atlantic medical offices had the lowest (55 percent).
Highlights From Appendix B: Overall Results by Respondent Characteristics
Staff Position (Tables B-1, B-3, B-4)
- Management had the highest average percent positive response across the composites (84 percent); Nurses (RN/LVN/LPN) had the lowest (71 percent).
- Management had the highest percent positive scores for all five Overall Ratings on Quality (those responding "Excellent" or "Very Good").
- Management had the highest percentage who gave their medical office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety of "Excellent" or "Very good" (83 percent); Nurses (RN/LVN/LPN) had the lowest (64 percent).
Tenure in Medical Office (Tables B-5, B-7, B-8)
- Respondents with less than 1 year in their current medical office had the highest average percent positive response across the composites (78 percent); respondents with 1 year to less than 3 years and 3 years to less than 6 years (72 percent for both groups) had the lowest.
- Respondents with less than 1 year or 11 years or more in their current medical office had the highest percent positive scores for all five Overall Ratings on Quality (those responding "Excellent" or "Very Good").
- Respondents with less than 1 year in their current medical office had the highest percentage of respondents who gave their medical office an Overall Rating on Patient Safety of "Excellent" or "Very good" (70 percent); respondents with 11 years or more in their current medical office had the second highest (69 percent).