This chapter presents information about the distribution of database medical offices by number of providers, single vs. multi-specialty, specialty, implementation status of electronic tools, majority ownership, and region. Some medical offices did not provide complete medical office information and therefore are shown as missing in the tables in this chapter.
Number of Providers
Table 3-1 shows the distribution of medical offices and respondents by number of providers. More than three-fourths (79 percent) of database medical offices had fewer than 10 providers, but they account for just over half (53 percent) of the database respondents.
Single vs. Multi-Specialty
As shown in Table 3-2, most medical offices (61 percent) were single specialty. But most respondents were from multi-specialty medical offices.
The 935 medical offices represent a wide range of specialties, with most categorized as Family Practice/Family Medicine (391 offices) (Table 3-3).
Implementation of Electronic Tools
Most medical offices had fully implemented four of the five computer-based electronic tools (Table 3-4). Electronic appointment scheduling was the electronic tool most fully implemented across medical offices (89 percent); electronic ordering of tests, imaging, or procedures and electronic access to patients' test or imaging results were least implemented (63 percent).
As shown in Table 3-5, more than two-thirds of medical offices were owned by a hospital or health system (69 percent).
Geographic Region
Table 3-6 shows the distribution of database medical offices by geographic region. The largest proportions of database medical offices are from the South Atlantic (43 percent) and East North Central regions (39 percent).