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The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)'s publications offer practical information to help a variety of health care organizations, providers, and others make care safer in all health care settings.
Simulation To Improve Patient Safety: Getting Started
This issue brief discusses practical strategies to advance patient safety through simulation and debriefing.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 24-0055
NCEPCR Investments in Primary Care Research for 2021 and 2022
This report aims to showcase AHRQ's broad and deep investments in primary care research and introduce AHRQ's National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research (NCEPCR). To do this, we provide an overview across AHRQ's primary care grants and contracts, highlight studies with potential to impact the primary care field, and share resources that may be useful for researchers and clinicians. In addition, we discuss existing gaps in AHRQ's investments and potential future areas of focus for NCEPCR.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 24-0016
Mapping AHRQ's 30-Year Investment in Primary Care Research (1990-2020)
This report describes three decades (1990–2020) of AHRQ's primary care research and highlights how that research has impacted delivery of primary care. It details AHRQ's steady investment in research to improve primary care organization, workforce, quality and safety, digital healthcare, finance and cost, and prevention.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 24-0016
Current State of Diagnostic Safety: Implications for Research, Practice, and Policy
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #16
This brief identifies major themes related to the current state of diagnostic safety and highlight key gaps in knowledge.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 24-0010-1-EF
Strategies for Improving Clinician Psychological Safety in Reporting and Discussing Diagnostic Error
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #15
One of the best ways to collect information about diagnostic errors is through self-reporting by patients and clinicians. Successful approaches to learn from diagnostic quality and develop strategies to reduce harm from diagnostic failure depend on two workplace characteristics: psychological safety and organizational safety culture. Both concepts are explored in this issue brief.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 23-0040-6-EF
Pediatric Diagnostic Safety: State of the Science and Future Directions
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #14
This issue brief explores the unique challenges of studying and improving diagnostic safety for children with respect to their overall health, access to care, and unique aspects of diagnostic testing limitations for many pediatric conditions.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 23-0040-5-EF
Reimagining Healthcare Teams: Leveraging the Patient-Clinician-AI Triad To Improve Diagnostic Safety
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #13
This issue brief provides a framework for patients and clinicians to successfully partner with safe and effective AI when making diagnostic decisions.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 23-0040-4-EF
Patient Experience as a Source for Understanding the Origins, Impact, and Remediation of Diagnostic Errors, Volume 2: Eliciting Patient Narratives
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #12
This brief, the second of two volumes, considers how to most effectively elicit representative, in-depth narrative accounts of diagnosis-related events and how patient feedback can most effectively be used to learn from patient and family experience.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 23-0040-3-EF
Patient Experience as a Source for Understanding the Origins, Impact, and Remediation of Diagnostic Errors, Volume 1: Why Patient Narratives Matter
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #12, Volume 1
This brief, the first of two volumes on learning from patient experiences, explores how patient-reported experiences can augment other methods of identifying diagnostic failures, and how patient feedback can enrich clinicians’ understanding of patient and family experience and reduce the harms that follow adverse diagnostic events.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 23-0040-2-EF
Diagnostic Safety Across Transitions of Care Throughout the Healthcare System: Current State and a Call to Action
Diagnostic Safety Issue Brief #11
This issue brief examines the existing evidence base on how to improve diagnostic safety at intrahospital care transitions, from using data analysis tools to using structured communication frameworks.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 23-0040-1-EF