Module 2: Urinary Catheter Maintenance: Slide Presentation
Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting
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AHRQ Safety Program for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals
Preventing CAUTI in the ICU Setting
Module 2: Urinary Catheter Maintenance
AHRQ Pub No. 15-0073-4-EF
September 2015
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Setting the Stage
- ICU patient has a urinary catheter because of recent extensive urological surgery
- Nurse and transporter need to take the patient to radiology for followup study
- Transporter grabs the urinary catheter bag and places the bag on patient’s abdomen
- Nurse notices patient’s urinary catheter isn’t secured to her leg
Image on right side of slide: a urinary catheter bag.
Slide 3
- What did you notice that could lead to the development of a CAUTI?
Slide 4
- Three issues:
- Urinary catheter bag placement
- No securement device
- Urine drainage bag was not emptied
Slide 5
- If you were the nurse in this scenario, what would you do?
Slide 6
- Nurse and transporter talk outside the patient’s room
Slide 7
Back in the Patient's Room
- Nurse uses the securement device
- Nurse empties the urinary catheter bag
- Important to do this aseptically
Images below slide: image of a securement device, and of a urinary catheter bag being emptied.
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Moving the Patient
- Nurse and transporter move the patient from the bed to the cart
- What would you do about the urinary catheter bag?
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Important to Remember and Communicate
- Arrange tubing to avoid dependent loops or kinks
Images below text: the incorrect way (left side) and correct way (right side) to arrange the tubing to avoid loops or kinks.
Slide 10
- Observe
- Communicate