How To Use This Toolkit
The toolkit consists of three sections. Your facility can use the materials in each section to teach team members how to apply CUSP to prevent surgical site infections and other complications.
Sections contain guides, tools, slide sets, videos, and audio files. The toolkit can be tailored to your facility’s needs. Before using these resources, it may be helpful to review the implementation guide, which provides an overview of what to do. This will allow you to understand the breadth of the quality improvement strategies offered and develop a program that fits your facility’s needs and is sustainable. If your facility is not familiar with the CUSP method, you may want to start with the CUSP toolkit available on the AHRQ Web site.
Each section of the toolkit contains some or all of the following materials:
- Guide (PDF): Step-by-step guidance on how to implement or sustain a CUSP-based improvement effort in ASCs.
- Tools (Word and PDF): The tools help you and your facility implement the concepts in the guides. Tools include items such as checklists, information sheets, forms, and worksheets. Some materials can be modified to fit your facility’s needs.
- Slide sets (PowerPoint): Educational slide sets can be viewed by individual users or presented to a group by a facilitator or leader.
- Facilitator guides (Word): Each slide set is accompanied by a facilitator guide, which is a script to use when presenting the slides. The guides can be edited to meet presentation needs.
- Material use guides (Word): These documents offer guidance on how to tailor slide set material presentations in settings with limited time availability.
- Videos (mp4): Videos included in slide sets are also posted separately, for ease of access and further study.
- Audio files (mp3): Audio files included in slide sets are also posted separately, for ease of access and further study.