As a clinician or staff member, I am ready to work with patient and family advisers when—
|___| I believe in the importance of patient and family participation in planning and decisionmaking at the program and policy level.
|___| I believe that the perspectives and opinions of patient and family advisers, staff, and clinicians are equally valid in planning and decision making at the program and policy level.
|___| I believe that patients and family members bring a perspective to a project that no one else can provide.
|___| I believe that patients, family members, staff, and clinicians can look beyond their own experiences and issues to come up with practical ideas and solutions.
|___| I am willing to talk about my experiences with patient and family advisers and to share suggestions, ideas, and potential solutions that will help improve hospital care.
|___| I feel comfortable listening and respectfully responding to both positive and negative care experiences that patient and family advisers may share.
|___| I enjoy working with people who are different from me.
|___| I can listen to and think about what others say, even when I disagree.
|___| I can bring a positive attitude to discussions about improving hospital care.
|___| I consistently let colleagues know that I value the insights of patient and family advisers.
|___| I am comfortable requesting that patient and family advisers be invited to participate in improvement initiatives in which I am involved.