Technical Assistance Webinars
Several technical assistance webinars have been developed to explain the components of the three Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) that are part of AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service, including the Healthcare Extension Cooperatives, National Coordinating Center, and National Evaluation Center. See below for status and registration for the pre-application technical assistance webinars.
Technical Assistance Webinar Now Available for National Evaluation Center Applicants
A pre-application technical assistance webinar was held Oct. 21, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET to provide guidance for potential applicants to AHRQ’s Notice of Funding Opportunity for a National Evaluation Center (NEC) for AHRQ’s Healthcare Extension Service: State-based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement (U19).
Video: Technical Assistance Webinar for the National Evaluation Center (NEC) (49:27)
Slides: Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar (PPTX, 2 MB)
Technical Assistance Webinar Now Available for National Coordinating Center Applicants
A pre-application technical assistance webinar was held on October 10 to provide guidance for potential applicants to AHRQ’s Notice of Funding Opportunity for a National Coordinating Center for AHRQ’s Healthcare Extension Service – State-based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement (U54).
Video: Technical Assistance Webinar for the National Coordinating Center (NCC) (35:38)
Slides: Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar (PPTX, 1.3 MB)
Technical Assistance Webinar for Healthcare Extension Cooperative Applicants
A pre-application technical assistance webinar was held on September 27 for potential applicants to AHRQ's Notice of Funding Opportunity for State-based Healthcare Extension Cooperatives to Accelerate Implementation of Actionable Knowledge into Practice (U19).
Video: Technical Assistance Webinar for AHRQ Healthcare Extension Service Cooperative Applicants (47:35)
Slides: Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar (PPTX, 6 MB)