Goals of the Chartbook on Health Care for Hispanics
- Commemorates the 30th Anniversary of the Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health (Heckler Report).
- Highlights progress for Hispanics on priorities of the Heckler Report.
- Summarizes trends in health care disparities by Hispanic ethnicity related to:
- Access to health care.
- Priorities of the National Quality Strategy (NQS).
- Presents information on a unique, largely Hispanic population: residents of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Organization of the Chartbook on Health Care for Hispanics
- Part of a series related to the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR).
- Organized into four parts:
- Overviews of the QDR and the Hispanic population, one of AHRQ's priority populations.
- Summary of trends in health care for Hispanic populations related to priorities of the Heckler Report.
- Summary of trends in health care for Hispanic populations related to access to health care and NQS priorities.
- Information on health care received by residents of the U.S.-Mexico border, a unique and largely Hispanic population.
Key Findings of the Chartbook on Health Care for Hispanics
- Data on access to and quality of health care received by Hispanics were available for almost all measures tracked in the QDR.
- Among Heckler Report priorities, disparities in mental health care and diabetes care were big problems for Hispanics.
- Hispanics have worse access to care although this is improving since the Affordable Care Act.
- Hispanics receive poorer quality of care, especially as related to person centeredness.
- Residents of the U.S.-Mexico border face unique health care challenges.