SOPS Nursing Home Survey 2.0 (Under Development)
AHRQ is currently developing and testing an updated version of the Surveys on Patient Safety Culture® (SOPS®) Nursing Home Survey. This new survey will be shorter and have revised and new items and composite measures. During the survey development process, AHRQ will obtain feedback from current users and technical experts and conduct a pilot test. Draft survey items under development assess:
- Communication Openness.
- Compliance With Procedures.
- Handoffs and Information Exchange.
- Management Support for Resident Safety.
- Organizational Learning.
- Response to Mistakes.
- Speaking Up.
- Staffing.
- Supervisor Support for Resident Safety.
- Teamwork.
- Training.
- Overall Rating on Resident Safety.
- Willingness to Recommend.
Nursing homes can use the SOPS Nursing Home Survey 2.0 to:
- Raise awareness about patient safety.
- Assess patient safety from the perspective of staff.
- Identify strengths and areas of improvement as it relates to patient safety.
- Examine trends in patient safety culture change over time.
- Evaluate the cultural impact of patient safety initiatives and interventions.
SOPS Development Process
The SOPS Nursing Home Survey 2.0 follows the standard SOPS survey development process:
* OMB clearance refers to the approval process by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for AHRQ to collect information from the public. This process is governed by the Paperwork Reduction Act, which aims to minimize the burden on individuals, businesses, and other entities.
The SOPS Nursing Home Survey 2.0 is being pilot tested in Fall 2024, with an expected release in Spring 2025.
Questions or Comments
For any questions or comments related to the development of the SOPS Nursing Home Survey 2.0, contact: