TeamSTEPPS Measurement Tools
Browse the measurement tools used in TeamSTEPPS:
- ASTD Coaching Self-Assessment Form (PDF, 161 KB)
This form will guide you through a self-evaluation exercise that will assist you in learning about what you need to be successful as a coach and to help you create an action plan for self-improvement. - TeamSTEPPS Coaching Feedback Form (PDF, 181 KB)
During the scripted coaching practice exercise, the observer uses this form to document the demonstrated competencies of the designated coach. The coach works through the designated issue with the team member, the team member acts out the particular scenario, and the observer watches the interaction and notes on the coaching observation form the competencies the coach exhibits and does not exhibit. - TeamSTEPPS Learning Benchmarks (PDF, 247 KB)
This PDF provides a checklist of questions to assess and discuss the best answer for each scenario. - TeamSTEPPS Readiness Assessment Form (PDF, 134 KB)
This PDF helps institutions answer the question of if their institution is ready for TeamSTEPPS and help understand its level of readiness to initiate the TeamSTEPPS program. - TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) (PDF, 193 KB)
The T-TAQ is designed to assess attitudes related to team structure and the four essential skills taught in TeamSTEPPS. - TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire (TPQ) (PDF, 209 KB)
The T-TPQ is designed to assess Level II Learning and Level III Behavior. The 35-item self-report tool uses a 5-point Likert scales to measure perceptions. - Team Performance Observation Tool (PDF, 286 KB)
This worksheet allows a member to observe and rate adherence to team structure, communication, leadership, and situation monitoring. - TeamSTEPPS Training: Evaluation Form (PDF, 354 KB)
This course evaluation form for a two-day TeamSTEPPS training course is for use with the materials released in 2023. It can be adjusted to add or remove questions based on the sections that were added or removed.