Toolkit Components
Guide: Purpose and Use of CLABSI Tools
Purpose of the tools
Engage: How does this make the world a better place?
Educate: How will we accomplish this?
Execute: What do I need to do?
Evaluate: How will we know that we made a difference?
Appendixes: CLABSI Tools
Appendix 1. Weeks Without CLABSI Banner (PowerPoint - 1.87 MB)
Appendix 2. Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections Fact Sheet (Word - 73.5 KB)
Appendix 3: Guidelines to Prevent Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (PowerPoint - 7.49 MB)
Appendix 4. Line Cart Inventory (Word - 37 KB)
Appendix 5. Central Line Insertion Checklist (Word - 60.5 KB)
Appendix 6. Central Line Maintenance Audit Form (Word - 33 KB)
Appendix 7. CLABSI Event Report Template (Word - 53 KB)
Appendix 8. CLABSI Investigation Nurse Letter (Word - 29 KB)
Appendix 9. Back to Basics document (Word - 29 KB)