Appendix G. Training Team Members How To Use the Checklist - Implementation Guide
There are several ways you can train team members how to use the checklist. Here are some helpful things to remember:
- Have a one-on-one conversation with every person in your facility about the importance of meaningful and consistent checklist use. Show them a physical copy of the checklist during your conversation.
- Present the checklist during a staff meeting and engage staff in role-plays and discussions about meaningful checklist use.
- Show team members how to use the checklist before you ask them to use it with a patient.
- Give them a paper copy of your checklist and spend time reviewing the parts with them.
- Run through the checklist with them line by line as if you were using it in a real case.
- If possible, have a member of the implementation team in the room with them the first time they use the checklist to observe use and make suggestions for improvement.
We also suggest creating a demonstration video to teach people in your facility about the checklist.
Checklist Demonstration Video
Many facilities and hospitals have made a checklist demonstration video to engage team members in this work. This can be a fun way to show proper and improper use of the checklist. Additionally, it can also be a great way to engage administrators and facility board members in the program. You can even show the video at a board meeting once it is completed.
Remember, the checklist demonstration video should not be the only way you teach team members and should not replace talking to every person about the checklist.
Things to think about when creating your video:
- Consider creating a “how to use the checklist” video and a “how not to use the checklist” video.
- Ask your administrators or board members to participate. They can play a member of the team or even play the patient.
- You do not need to have professional equipment or spend a lot of money to do this.
- Do not film the video using any identifying information about real patients.