Before launching your Fall Prevention Program, make sure your hospital is ready. Assess your organization’s readiness for such a program.
Assess Your Organization’s Readiness
To assess your organization’s readiness to launch AHRQ’s Fall Prevention Program, review Section 1 of AHRQ's Fall Prevention Toolkit. Then assess your organization’s readiness for change.
One option for assessing your organization’s readiness for this initiative is to complete Tool 1F: Organizational Readiness Checklist from the AHRQ Toolkit.
As an alternative, your hospital leadership and potential Implementation Team leaders may want to answer the questions in Table 2 below. These questions were developed based on the checklist included in the Toolkit but were expanded for the AHRQ pilot initiative (see AHRQ’s Fall Prevention Program above), and are more specific to elements of this prevention initiative.
Table 2. Assess Your Hospital’s Readiness To Launch AHRQ’s Fall Prevention Program
Question | Answer |
Develop a Plan To Build and Support Readiness
Review your responses to Tool 1F from the Toolkit (or the questions in Table 2 above), paying particular attention to “no” responses or low ratings. Then develop a plan to address those areas before launching AHRQ’s Fall Prevention Program; failure to do so can imperil program success. Section 1 of the Toolkit suggests ways to build and support readiness. Share your results with those who will plan and facilitate the in-person training.