Brief: A short session prior to discuss team formation, assign essential roles, establish expectations and climate, and anticipate outcomes and contingencies.
Check-Back: Closed-loop communication strategy to verify and validate information exchanged. This strategy involves the sender initiating a message, the receiver accepting the message and confirming what was communicated, and the sender verifying that the message was received.
Handoff: The transfer of information (along with authority and responsibility) during transitions in care across the continuum; includes an opportunity to ask questions, clarify, and confirm.
Huddle: Ad hoc planning to reestablish situation awareness, reinforce the plan already in place, and assess the need to adjust the plan.
Mutual Support: Ability to anticipate and support other team members’ needs through accurate knowledge about their responsibilities and workload.
SBAR: A communication technique that provides a standard framework for information sharing.
S | Situation – What is happening with the patient? A concise statement of the problem. |
B | Background – What is the background information that is pertinent to the situation? |
A | Assessment – What did you find? Analysis and considerations of options and risks. |
R | Recommendation/Request – What action/recommendation is needed to correct the problem? What do you want to happen by when? |
Situation Monitoring: Process of actively scanning and assessing situational elements to gain information and understanding, or maintain awareness to support functioning of the team.