Overview |
Communication and Teamwork Defined
15-Minute Meeting Suggested Activities
Toolkit materials are designed to be modified and customized. If you do not have time for the complete presentation, here are suggestions for time-conscious ways to use this module. Feel free to use these suggestions or come up with your own approach to implementing the module.
Topic: Communication and Teamwork Defined
Method: Present slides 4-11 in a meeting using the facilitator notes.
Materials: Slides 4-11
Audience: All employees
Topic: Improving Surgical Team Communication With Debriefings and Briefings
Method: Hand out slides 12-25 and facilitator notes before meeting and ask all attendees to review them. In the meeting, watch the briefing and debriefing videos. Discuss the slides and videos.
Materials: Slides 12-25, Example Briefing and Debriefing videos
Audience: Surgeons, anesthesia, scrub nurses, circulating nurses, nurse manager
Topic: The Surgical Checklist as a Communication and Teamwork Tool
Method: Present slides 26-32 in a meeting using the facilitator notes.
Materials: Slides 26-32, examples of checklists
Audience: Administration, surgeons, anesthesia, all nurses
Topic: Customizing the Surgical Checklist
Method: Hand out slides 33-41 and facilitator notes before meeting and ask all attendees to review them and prepare checklist ideas. Use the meeting time to customize a pre-existing checklist or create a new one.
Materials: Slides 33-41, examples of checklists
Audience: Administration, surgeons, all nurses
Topic: Customizing the Surgical Checklist
Method: Handout slides 33-41, facilitator notes, and a checklist drafted for your facility. Ask all attendees to review them during the first 5 minutes of the meeting. Use the meeting time to watch the tabletop simulation video and discuss the video and the use of a tabletop simulation to refine your checklist.
Materials: Slides 33-41, Tabletop Simulation video, checklist
Audience: Administration, surgeons, anesthesia, all nurses
Topic: Speaking Up Using Structured Language
Method: Present slides 42-47 in a team meeting using the facilitator notes. Listen to the Example of Speaking Up audio. Use remaining time to role play, implementing the techniques covered in this section.
Materials: Slides 42-47, Example of Speaking Up audio, CUS technique
Audience: All employees in operating, procedure, and recovery rooms
Topic: Closed-Loop Communication
Method: Present slides 48-51 in a team meeting using the facilitator notes. Listen to the closed-loop communication example. Use remaining time to role play, implementing the technique covered in this section.
Materials: Slides 48-51, Example of Closed-Loop Communication audio
Audience: All employees in operating, procedure, and recovery rooms