Overcome Common Challenges
This section helps teams discover actionable strategies to overcome four common challenges in making changes to patient safety culture. Tools are shown in various formats and located on several pages of the toolkit to flexibly support users in addressing their question. Making It Work tip sheets are short guides that define the issue, help explain the barriers, and offer strategies for success. Videos are an easy way to see teams live out some common challenges while a narrator highlights key points. Audio interviews and podcasts are interviews with subject matter experts on specific topics. Finally, there are one-page templates to get the team started and other tools that can support additional work.
Team Engagement
Tools for increasing ownership and engagement among all relevant hospital personnel to support the success and sustainability of your infection prevention efforts.
Team Functioning
Tools for supporting the interaction of the multidisciplinary team members and specific patient care actions in order to reduce infections.
Overcoming Clinical Mindsets
Tools that support ICU teams to overcome mindsets that hold them back from believing that achieving zero infections is possible.
Tools that support ICU teams to develop a culture of safety and reliable mindsets to support sustained improvement.