This poster educates and motivates staff regarding the risks, indications, and nonindications for use of indwelling urinary catheters.
Urinary Catheters Increase...
- Length of Stay
- Likelihood of Infection
- Cost
- Patient Discomfort
- Antibiotic Use
..and patients with urinary catheters tend to stay in bed, increasing risk of skin breakdown, deep-vein thrombosis, weakness and delirium.
Urinary Catheters Are Indicated for...
- Acute urinary retention or obstruction
- Perioperative use in selected surgeries
- Assistance of healing of severe perineal and sacral wounds in incontinent patients
- Hospice, comfort care, or palliative care
- Required strict immobilization for trauma or surgery
- Accurate measurement of urinary output in critically ill patients (intensive care)
Catheters Are NOT Indicated for...
- Routine urine output monitoring outside the ICU
- Incontinence
- Prolonged postoperative use
- Morbid obesity
- Immobility
- Confusion or dementia
- Patient request