Toolkit To Reduce CAUTI and Other HAIs in Long-Term Care Facilities
This section explains the importance of planning for sustainability from the beginning and provides an overview of factors to help achieve sustainable gains. Infection prevention strategies can only be sustained if they are embedded into the culture and norms of a facility.
Guide to Sustaining a Program To Reduce Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Long-Term Care (PDF, 241.1 KB; Text Version)
The Guide to Sustaining a Program To Reduce Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Long-Term Care provides long-term care facility teams with an overview of how to successfully sustain improvements made during and after a project is implemented.
Sustainability Assessment Tool and Action Plan (Excel, 161.2 KB; Text Version)
This tool guides facilities through an assessment of different areas of the infection prevention program that should be considered, focusing on specific barriers and opportunities for improvement toward sustainability.
Sustainability Module, Long-Term Care Safety Toolkit
This module defines sustainability and spread, recognizes the importance of maintaining positive change, teaches how to create and implement a sustainability plan, and provides examples of successful sustainability in the long-term care setting.
Material Use Guide (Word, 1.57 MB; Text Version) (en español: Word, 1.57 MB)
PowerPoint Slide Set (PowerPoint, 9.11 MB; Text Version) (en español: PowerPoint, 8.77 MB)
Facilitator Notes (Word, 3 MB; Text Version) (en español: Word, 2.6 MB)
A Collaborative Effort
Transcript (en español: Word File, 870 KB)