Below is an index of all the clinical topics that are discussed in this toolkit. Each topic contains presentations on evidence and best practices, along with relevant resources. Select each of the below sections to see more.
The Importance of MRSA Prevention
Preventing MRSA infection and MRSA transmission among hospitalized patients is a crucial patient safety goal. This section provides an overview of MRSA, the harms it poses, the sources and pathways of MRSA, and general key concepts for MRSA prevention.
Decolonization is the reduction of bacteria on the patient’s body in order to reduce the risk of invasive infection and transmission. It is proven as one of the most effective methods of preventing MRSA. This toolkit includes extensive resources and materials to assist in the implementation of decolonization in your unit.
Tools & Resources for Decolonization
This toolkit includes resources and materials to assist in the implementation of Decolonization.
Environmental Cleaning
Contamination of the patient environment is key pathway of transmission that should be addressed as part of any MRSA prevention effort. This section presents an overview of the key components of designing and improving environmental cleaning and the implementation of interventions.
MRSA Surveillance
MRSA surveillance provides key insights on the prevalence of MRSA among the patient population and the pathways of transmission. This section provides an overview of active and passive MRSA surveillance, the strategies, and best practices.
Contact Precautions
Use of transmission-based precautions and contact isolation is widely recommended to address MRSA transmission risk. This section discusses contact precaution policies and the impact they can have on MRSA prevention.
Hand Hygiene Promotion
Improving and maintaining adherence among staff to hand hygiene guidelines is a key MRSA prevention strategy. This section discusses hand hygiene, its impact on MRSA prevention, and implementation of adherence monitoring.
Prevention of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI)
CLABSIs are associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and increased length and cost of hospital stay. This section discusses the best practices for CLABSI prevention and strategies for implementation.
Prevention of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia: VAP & NV-HAP
S. aureus is the most commonly-identified Gram-positive organism to cause ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). This section discusses the best practices for VAP & NV-HAP Prevention and strategies for implementation.
Antibiotic Stewardship
Antibiotic stewardship employs evidence-based decision-making to optimize appropriate antibiotic use. This section discusses the importance of antibiotic stewardship, best practices, and guidance for implementation of interventions.
Blood Culture Practices & Stewardship
Blood Culture Stewardship aims to optimize bacteremia detection and reduce inappropriate antibiotic use and diagnostic testing from false positive results. This section discusses best practices for Blood Culture Stewardship and its importance to improving MRSA prevention.