Module on How To Apply CUSP for Mechanically Ventilated Patients
This module demonstrates how to apply the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) method to improve care for mechanically ventilated patients.
CUSP Guide for Reducing Ventilator-Associated Events in Mechanically Ventilated Patients (PDF, 375.5 KB)
This guide supports the adaptive elements of patient safety work, including the science of safety, learning from defects, and improving teamwork and communication in the acute care setting. It includes step-by-step instructions for using the tools and educational slide sets to apply CUSP to the care of mechanically ventilated patients.
Tools To Support CUSP Implementation
Premortem Tool (Word, 1.59 MB)
Use this tool to help you assess potential failure points, brainstorm the potential reasons for the failure, and then develop a plan to mitigate these problems.
Structural Assessment Data Collection Tool (Word, 1.59 MB)
This data collection tool helps you track your progress on incorporating recommended policies and procedures to improve outcomes for mechanically ventilated patients.
Staff Safety Assessment (Word, 1.58 MB)
Use this tool to tap the wisdom of your frontline staff and proactively identify how the next patient will be harmed and how to get the next patient safely off the ventilator faster.
Physician Champion Checklist (Word, 880 KB)
This tool offers guidance to your physician champions to facilitate use of CUSP in improving care for mechanically ventilated patients.
CUSP Educational Slide Sets
These slide sets provide an overview of CUSP and its implementation in the care of mechanically ventilated patients, including principles such as the science of safety, identifying and addressing defects, assessing your unit’s safety culture, and promoting the engagement of staff, physicians, senior executives, and patients’ families.
Overview of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program for Application to Mechanically Ventilated Patients (PowerPoint, 4.32 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.58 MB)
Forming a Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program Team (PowerPoint, 3.66 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.85 MB)
Science of Safety and Identifying Defects in Care of Mechanically Ventilated Patients (PowerPoint, 9.94 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.43 MB)
Assess Patient Safety Culture Using the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety (PowerPoint, 1.82 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.83 MB)
Action Plan for Translating Research Into Practice: Gap Analysis and Tests of Change (PowerPoint, 4.66 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 3.49 MB)
Physician and Staff Engagement (PowerPoint, 1.77 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.51 MB)
Engaging Senior Executives in Care of Mechanically Ventilated Patients (PowerPoint, 2.12 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.31 MB)
Learn From Defects in Care of Mechanically Ventilated Patients (PowerPoint, 2.24 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 4.56 MB)
Daily Goals During Interdisciplinary Rounds (PowerPoint, 1.75 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 4.39 MB)
Patient and Family Involvement in Care of Mechanically Ventilated Patients (PowerPoint, 2.98 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 3.24 MB)
Build a Business Case for Quality Improvement (PowerPoint, 1.79 MB - HTML Version of Slide Presentation; Facilitator Guide - Word, 2.94 MB)